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View Full Version : Strange behaviour displaying active playlists

01-22-2011, 09:55 PM
I'm currently evaluating Mezzmo as a potential TVersity replacement.

I see some strange behaviour (at least it seems strange to me) when viewing an active playlist both within the Mezzmo UI and from a device (iPhone/PlugPlayer). The active playlist selects only music files and groups/sorts them based on the hierarchy Artist->Album.

What I observe is that when navigating this playlist, when I go into the 'Artist' level, as well as displaying sub-entries for each 'Album', all the files within the albums are also listed at this level. This is not how other media servers that I have used (e.g. TVersity) behave and is not at all what I want as it makes navigation very confusing.

Is it possible to suppress this behavior or make it a configurable option?

Please advise.

01-24-2011, 10:50 AM
We will have that as an option in a future update.