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View Full Version : Sony BDP-S370/570 - Does anyone have Mezzmo working 100% with it?

02-13-2011, 10:30 AM
I'm doing my best trying to get Mezzmo to work properly with my PS3 and Sony BDP-S370. I think the PS3 is pretty much set (a few small issues still exist, see #2), but I'm having a number of issues with the BDP-S370. I've stated them in numerous other threads, but I'd like to consolidate them here to get a 'head-count' of people with similar problems and potential solutions.

1) DivX/AVI files are streamed fairly well. However, I occasionally find that Mezzmo just stops playing in the middle of a file and continues to the next, almost as if it has reached the end of the file. I can replay the file and fast forward to just before that part of the file and it plays through the poinit with no issues. No other media server I've tried (about 8 others) has exhibited this problem. I'm not sure what the problem is, but the suggestion has been to use the "No Divx" Sony BDP profile. Unfortunately I lose fast forward/rewind functionality when doing this, which leads me to my next issue...

2) I'm completely unable to fast forward or rewind when any file is transcoding (the player states that the button is not available for that 'disc'). I have a busy one year old son who make it nearly impossible to watch most movies in their entirety, so not having the ability to fast forward to a point in a file is a real issue. When my wife and I have an hour we can't really spend 45 minutes of it waiting for the first half of a movie to pass by so we can finish it...

3) File formats, mainly mp4's, that are natively supported by the player when playing over USB many times cannot be streamed directly by Mezzmo. Often they can be transcoded to play, but this further perpetuates problem #2. However, many of the mp4's just won't play at all, with the player stating the file is corrupt or unplayable, whereas via USB they play fine.

Has anyone been able to solve any/all of these problems for their BDP-S370/S570? I've tried many other profiles, but they seem to often fix one problem (i.e. consistent MP4 transcoded playback) but introduce new problems in the process (i.e. wrong aspect ratio). I'm somewhat at a loss since I'd love to be able to get everything working 100%, but I worry I may have to learn the intricacies of the profiles and DLNA protocol to find a solution, which, between work and a one year old, isn't much of a possibility.

Anyone have any ideas? To the valued Conceiva staff, I will respect your decision if you choose to delete this thread due to repetition of what I've stated in threads elsewhere.

02-14-2011, 03:18 AM
Hello Aaron. I've had many of the same issues as you describe. My solution was to convert my entire video library into a format that the player plays fine without transcoding. This does three critical things I think. 1) It uses no CPU power on the server when playing back the video, 2) doesn't take up any disk space on the server for the transcoded files and 3) prevents video stops and starts while transcoded. Fast forward and rewind work good. This may seem like an overkill solution and I'll grant you that. However, every video I have plays w/o transcoding on this player (570), the PS3, the Bravia TV, and several Samsung BDP's as well using nearly the default profiles for the devices. Sure, it takes time to convert the files, but in the end, the system works flawlessly and the video quality can even be improved in the process and you only need to do it once. The format of the video I'm using is H264 for video and AC3 stereo for audio inside an m2ts container. Probably not what you were looking for in terms of a solution to your problem but this workaround did it for me.

02-14-2011, 06:50 AM
Thanks for your response, I certainly appreciate seeing other people's perspectives on the issues. I guess what I'm struggling with is accepting a loss of functionality in the ff/rw sense in an effort to be able to utilize a 'feature' such as transcoding. As of right now I'm coming to the conclusion that I should likely just pre-transcode everything and be done with it, like you mention, rather than continuing to fight with it. The other issue relating to DivX still remains, though, so I'm hoping there may be a small profile tweak to help it perform better.

This may be mentioned in another thread that I wasn't able to come across with my initial search, but is it possible to do a full pre-transcode of all files in a folder through Mezzmo? I would like to essentially replace the incompatible MP4 files with the transcoded ones if possible, but ultimately delete the original MP4s to save space.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

02-14-2011, 09:44 AM
Pre-transcoding is a planned feature, so it's not available yet, but it is coming soon... We're still working on making the BDP profiles better, so give us a few more days and hopefully I'll be able to give you a better device profile to try.

02-14-2011, 10:56 AM
Great, thanks Dennis. I'll sit tight and see what you guys come up with.

02-14-2011, 05:23 PM
Aaron, I too have the same problems with the Sony BDP S370. I will wait along with you to see if the folks at Conceiva can tweak the profile.
The Program is great and the folks at Conceiva have really listened when I have problems. When they ask for feedback its only to make the program much better. If it doesn't work. I'll take my SonyBDP back to Costco and get another DLNA compatible unit.

02-14-2011, 06:36 PM
A bit off-topic, but Sony will soon release their new line of Bluray players BDP-S380, S480, S580, S780.
There are some minor updates to them but I have not been able to find anything about format support with DLNA.
Anyone found anything regarding that?
Maybe it's a good idea to wait for them...?

02-15-2011, 04:17 AM
I have the same Problem with my Sony BDP S373. Divx sometimes stopps in the middle and skips to next file.

I tried everything whats possible without any perfect results :(

I also have to start mezzmo in WinXP Mode because of an error: Mezzmo Logo remains on the Desktop after starting the Program in minimized mode. My Sys: Win7 64bit.

I thing this divx issue has something to do with the reported filelength to the BDP...

I dont really want to start transcoding all the time. Most of my files are divx...

Hope this problem will befixed soon...



02-15-2011, 12:12 PM
@dpetr: I have a BDP-S370 and have been thinking of a solution along the line like what you did. The manual does list that the S370 will play .m2ts format files natively, so it would be cleanest solution for me. Can you please tell me what s/w you used to rip your movies into a .m2ts container? Thanks.

02-22-2011, 11:58 PM

Just wanted to jump in on Aarons post as i see similar issues with the BDP-S370, mainly points 1 and 2 but intermittantly.

Dennis, i notice you were working on a new device profile, would be great if you could let me know also when it would be available to try.



02-23-2011, 08:44 AM
Yes, we started tweaking the current BDP profile to see if we can make it work better, but at the moment most work is going into making the server more stable on the network. However, even we don't finish with the BDP profile before the .14 release, work won't stop on it until it works as good as we can get it.

02-23-2011, 12:35 PM
@RMatic: What I have done is used software to convert the video from whatever it is to H264 video, AC3 2 channel audio into a MKV container. Many commercial programs out there can do this (Xilisoft and WinAVI come to mind, but there are many). Pick the cheapest, get a trail version and test it out. You can improve video quality and audio quality as needed by raising the bit rate during conversion. As in Mezzmo, you could use ffmpeg also, but it's not for the faint of heart. Once the video has been converted into an MKV container, it is remuxed into an m2ts file using tsMuxerGUI which is free and quite fast. Compared to the conversion, it takes a fraction of the time. In the end, you've got a file that can be streamed by Mezzmo to this Sony device without transcoding. The original file can be deleted.

02-23-2011, 09:17 PM
@dpetr: Thanks for the helpful explanation. I will try it out on a sample video file first before starting out on my movies.

02-23-2011, 10:04 PM
Once the video has been converted into an MKV container, it is remuxed into an m2ts file using tsMuxerGUI which is free and quite fast. Compared to the conversion, it takes a fraction of the time.

Where can I download tsMuxerGUI

02-24-2011, 12:02 AM
I have a Sony BDP 570 and I am still fiddling with settings in order to have everything working. I also have a Panasonic HDC-SD707 camera which records HD video to mts files.

Using BDP 570 Pal profile (with DivX support) I have reached the following stage:

* .avi files -> I use AviAddXSubs to embed .srt subtitles - works ok.
* .mts files from camera -> They show as .m2ts on the player, but generally play ok.
* .mp4 files -> They show as .m2ts on the player, I can play them, but can't rewind or forward.

I tested all the above scenarios with usb stick and the player can natively play and seek all the files (and show external subtitles). Now I understand it's up to players DLNA implementation whether the subtitles are supported, but I guess .mp4 files should not be transcoded?

Can anyone suggest what route should i take regarding .mp4 video streaming and subtitles embedding?

02-24-2011, 12:51 AM
Where can I download tsMuxerGUI

Sorry. I should have mentioned that the GUI is included as a front end to the program it calls. http://www.videohelp.com/download/tsMuxeR_1.10.6.zip

02-24-2011, 01:41 AM
So this may be a stupid question, but since I just downloaded and installed this yesterday please bear with me. Where and/or how do you switch profiles?

02-24-2011, 02:32 AM
So this may be a stupid question, but since I just downloaded and installed this yesterday please bear with me. Where and/or how do you switch profiles?

This is going from memory since I don't have Mezzmo in front of me, but click on "Media Server" at the top of the main window, then select "Media Devices". If you doubleclick on a device from the list that pops up, you'll get another window. In the "General" tab, there's a dropdown list towards the bottom to allow you to change the device profile.

02-24-2011, 02:39 AM
Thanks! Much appreciated.

02-26-2011, 03:08 PM
I also have a number of issues in my Mezzmo/Sony 370 set up:

1. All mkv and mp4 that I have tried. Mezzmo transcoded them. When I streamed these mkv/mp4 files from Serviio, no transcoding is required - I could FF/Rewind when streamed from serviio.

2. When browsing video files from Sony, no thumbnails are displayed, only filenames are listed. This contrast to my Mezzmo/Samsung C Bluray experience, where thumbnails could be displayed.

3. When filenames consist of Chinese characters, these files do not appear on my Sony. Renaming the files to English do the trick, but I found this too inconvenience. This contrast to my Mezzmo/Samsung C Bluray experience, where files with Chinese characters can be displayed/played.

Hope these issues will be addressed in the next update.


02-28-2011, 09:10 AM
We'll be fixing the MP4 transcoding to make it better, but Sony does not play MKVs, so Serviio should be transcoding those files as well. Perhaps it's transcoding them to MPEG2 which does allow FF/REW, but reduces quality.

The Sony BDPs do not display thumbnails - this is a limitation of their firmware and we cannot fix it, unfortunately. Probably a future firmware update will fix this up and then thumbnails will start working.

With the Chinese characters - do you mean the actual file names or just the display titles?

03-02-2011, 12:36 PM
Thanks Dennis.

I am with you regarding Sony firmware's limitation on displaying thumbnails.

Sony BDP came in 2 favours: US version and European version. My understanding is the former doesn't support mkv through dlna, while the latter does. I am in Australia, hence mine should be a European version. I have monitored cpu usage when streaming mkv files from Serviio; I didn't see any unusual cpu usage nor any ffmpeg activities. Furthermore, I could change audio tracks and swithing on/off embedded subtitles with the Sony's remote.

In Serviio, mp4 files are demuxed into mpegts. FF/Rewind functionalities appear to be similar to mkv files, but I need more investigation to confirm the consistency.

I sincerly wish similar playback supports will be added in Mezzmo so that I only need to have 1 media server running.



03-03-2011, 11:32 PM
With the Chinese characters - do you mean the actual file names or just the display titles?

I mean the filenames. For example, 2 identical files, abc.avi and 中文.avi. The 1st one appears on the video filelist, but the 2nd dosen't show up.

Can this be fixed in Mezzmo or is it a Sony's limitation?


03-04-2011, 09:06 AM
We have previously tested Mezzmo with many character sets (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.) and Mezzmo works fine. My guess is that your Sony player model does not have support for Chinese characters so it is rejecting the file listing since it cannot display it. We'll re-test it here and if there is a problem we will include the fix in the new release that we are preparing now.

03-07-2011, 11:08 AM
Here's an update after installing v2.2.0.0 of Mezzmo:

1) The problem regarding DivX/AVI files randomly stopping still persists. I'm finding that it also often happens if I leave the player paused for a few minutes, then try to resume, where it'll play for a few seconds then stop. I've sent in logs showing when it happens after pausing (for some transcoded files too), so hopefully there'll be a fix at some point.

2) The issue with being unable to fast forward or rewind files that are being transcoded has been fixed in the new version (thanks Conceive!). However, the update rendered streamed DivX unable to be rewound or fast forwarded. I slightly modified the profile to fix this and things seem to be working well.

3) MP4 native playback isn't really an issue now that seeking is possible when transcoding. However, I did have trouble getting a few MP4's and MKV's to work properly with the new profile. After another quick tweak of the profile's MPEG_TS container I was able to fix this and all MP4's seem to be working.

All in all, after doing a few small modifications to the new profile, I have all formats working how I'd like them to in terms of playback. However, the only issue I'm still having is the sometimes random and sometimes after pausing freeze/crash of the media stream with DivX and many transcoded files. If this could be remedied I think everything would be pretty much perfect for my BDP and Mezzmo :-)

03-07-2011, 05:09 PM
Excellent feedback, Aaron407. We're now looking into the open issues you mention.

03-08-2011, 03:44 AM
WHat did you do to tweak the profile?

03-08-2011, 03:56 AM
WHat did you do to tweak the profile?

See my post here:

However, Conceiva has stated that they have an updated profile available to address the issues. Although you can try the profile I posted in the linked thread, I would recommend contacting the Conceiva support group to obtain their official profile update as well.

03-12-2011, 07:24 AM
I am having some of the same problems as others have mentioned. Files will sometimes stop in the middle and go to the next file. I am unable to FF/RW which is a problem in resuming a file previously stopped.

All my files are in DVIX format. It is not clear from some of the comments if that is the problem or not. Someone suggested reformating all the files into another format but that seems to be a bit of overkill. Mezzmo should be able to correct this situation with a simpler solution.

Any comments or new ideas?


03-13-2011, 09:25 PM
I dont think this is an Mezzmo Issue!

After trying several streaming methods im now sure, that Sony lost their ability to develop and build strong electronics. The BDP i bought is in comparation with my Netgear EVA Streamer a shame! The support is also poor and failed to help me with any suggestions. I think the only solution ist to give the player back and buy one who is working as it should!

I really think that sony does not care about the customers and their problems, so why should we care????

I sometimes have also broken hdmi connection to my Sony TV for about one second (Blank screen). I changed allready the HDMI cable without fixing it. Has anyone else this issues?


03-14-2011, 12:55 AM
I respectfully disagree with the point that it is not a Mezzmo issue. I've tried approximately ten different media servers and Mezzmo appears to be the only one to exhibit the issue with dropping streamed avi files. I do agree that Sony quality has somewhat decreased in recent years, but I think this issue still lies with Mezzmo.

03-14-2011, 06:42 AM
If Sony implemented all known Codecs in their Hardware and Microsofts WMP would play all known medias every problem we actually have would be non existent. DLNA should make things easyer not more complicated. Im not very amused about tha actual situation beeing a Labour-Rat trying to find out how to get technics to work... And Mezzmo is at this time the best Software for Sony´s DLNA Products. Its sure not perfect, but if they try to make gold out of shit than its not unexpected that they will fail :(

By the way: Windows Media Player has several times freezes for one second on playback of divx contents, but it did not drop, it just continues Playback. So its surely over 80% a Sony issue!

I used the last jear Tversity with the mentioned Netgear Streamer and because of the implicated Codecs everything works fine (but not with theyr own streaming Software). DLNA is like 3D TVs: No one needs them, only a few people knows how they work, but everyone would buy them. In the end to finding out, that they didnt work like they should...

OK enough political and economical discussions.... My device also didnt work with the new Mezzmo Version and for me personally also gets worser because of the Stopps after pressing pause, and the randomly stops at divx Playback. At a price of nearly 30€ not very funny. Also not funny the BDP malfunctions at the price of 130€ :(


03-15-2011, 05:26 AM
I have tried Aaron407's "patch" profile and find that it works as advertised. The FF/RW seems to function but I still have problems with stopping in the middle of a video.

I have contacted support for their upgraded profile version but I am still awaiting a response from them. Not in a hurry...

03-15-2011, 05:49 AM
To be honest, I don't think this is necessarily an issue with the profile. I also contacted the support group, but the updated profiles I was provided with didn't really remedy the situation. I was told to use the SonyBDP NTSC (No DivX) updated profile in order to have DivX transcode, which they had enabled FF/RW functionality for in 2.2, while the updated DivX-compatible profile was not yet fixed to repair the lack of FF/RW functionality. Their new no-DivX profile still exhibited the same freezing/stopping problem as before.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it's an issue somewhere else in the program code, but I could be wrong. I'm crossing my fingers that, with the help of the logs I sent them, they come to a conclusion sometime soon since my wife is quickly losing her patience with our media server setup due to this issue.

03-16-2011, 02:31 AM
I downloaded and tried the profile from Conceiva support and it did not function properly. No FF/RW and unsure about the stopping issue.

However, out of frustration I tried the Sony HT NTSC profile and that seems to work better. I have FF/RW but not sure about the stopping issue as I have not had the time to fully test that possible fix.

Will keep you posted.

03-16-2011, 02:57 AM
By the way: Windows Media Player has several times freezes for one second on playback of divx contents, but it did not drop, it just continues Playback. So its surely over 80% a Sony issue!

Forgive me, but I'm failing to follow your logic in this statement. Playing a file in WMP on your computer is a world apart from playing via DLNA on a bluray player. There are many additional variables introduced in the latter, so to state that it's merely a Sony issue is very much jumping to conclusions and ignoring the various other potential failure points that exist.

In my testing, I have tried a number of other media servers, of which none exhibited the freezing/stopping problem after a pause or randomly during playback of DivX files. Since these programs are having to conform to the DLNA protocol as Mezzmo does but do not exhibit the same symptoms playing the same files on the same player, this undoubtedly tells me that the bug is inherent in the remaining variable, that being Mezzmo. However, Mezzmo as a software package is fantastic and the support is second to none, so I have no doubts that the problem will be tracked down and solved soon.:)

03-16-2011, 09:49 AM
We are working on a solution right now and, as soon as it is ready, it will be available for all users to download & try. Thanks for your patience.

03-16-2011, 05:19 PM
Forgive me, but I'm failing to follow your logic in this statement. Playing a file in WMP on your computer is a world apart from playing via DLNA on a bluray player. There are many additional variables introduced in the latter, so to state that it's merely a Sony issue is very much jumping to conclusions and ignoring the various other potential failure points that exist.

In my testing, I have tried a number of other media servers, of which none exhibited the freezing/stopping problem after a pause or randomly during playback of DivX files. Since these programs are having to conform to the DLNA protocol as Mezzmo does but do not exhibit the same symptoms playing the same files on the same player, this undoubtedly tells me that the bug is inherent in the remaining variable, that being Mezzmo. However, Mezzmo as a software package is fantastic and the support is second to none, so I have no doubts that the problem will be tracked down and solved soon.:)

If u tried a lot of Media servers, than u should know, that WMP/Windows has also the ability to stream using DLNA. Its the only Reason, why DLNA becomed standard. So i talked about streaming with WMP not just playback files localy!

The issue with the ramdom stops is known about 2 Months, and Sony and Samsung seemed to be the main affected products. I also have no doubt about the support ability of the mezzmo team, but for me it is a step backwards.

By the way i solved the HDMI issue:
Seemes to be a hardware revision conflict with the HDMI connections. My TV has one of the first HDMI rev and the BDP has the newest one. Using Component Input has solved the problems. Are now 5 separated cables (YUV+Audio-L/R), but works without any blank screens.


03-17-2011, 12:50 AM
If u tried a lot of Media servers, than u should know, that WMP/Windows has also the ability to stream using DLNA. Its the only Reason, why DLNA becomed standard. So i talked about streaming with WMP not just playback files localy!

The issue with the ramdom stops is known about 2 Months, and Sony and Samsung seemed to be the main affected products. I also have no doubt about the support ability of the mezzmo team, but for me it is a step backwards.

By the way i solved the HDMI issue:
Seemes to be a hardware revision conflict with the HDMI connections. My TV has one of the first HDMI rev and the BDP has the newest one. Using Component Input has solved the problems. Are now 5 separated cables (YUV+Audio-L/R), but works without any blank screens.

Understood. When you stated Windows Media Player rather than WMP Media Server it threw me off, but we're on the same page now. I did actually try WMP media server, but the lack of transcoding was a showstopper for me. I've tried Vuze, Wild Media Server, PS3 Media Server, Tversity, Serviio, Twonky, WMP Media Server, iSedora, Whitebear, Samsung's media manager (installed but never used) and Mezzmo, with Mezzmo easily coming out on top for me due to its features.

Also, the random stops have also been shown to occur in WD TV Live boxes, so it seems to go beyond Sony and Samsung, which is why I have a feeling it's something in the program code rather than the individual profiles. At any rate, Paul says they're on top of the issue, so I'll continue to wait patiently for an update.

03-23-2011, 11:07 AM
Count me as another 570 user waiting on the update. The prior version worked fine but 2.2 randomly pauses and crashes. Even when working the transcoding creates a lot of artifacts. Considered another media server but will wait first for the fix....please expedite.

03-23-2011, 11:23 AM
Please send a message to support (at) conceiva (dot) com as we have a patch that should fix those issues.

03-26-2011, 02:12 AM
I've been doing a lot of patch testing with Dennis and Adric lately to remedy the remaining issues I've had with my BDP-S370. At this point, they've developed a SonyBDP-NTSC profile that has been working great for me in terms of compatibility and FF/RW capability for all files (including DivX and transcoded MKVs). They also have fixed the issue with the stream crashing after a long pause. I've been testing the patch for about 4 days and haven't come across the issue again, whereas it was almost 100% repeatable before the patch. Also, I will be testing another patch that is meant to address the random crashing issue. They apparently had trouble replicating the random crash, but it arose for them yesterday and I was sent a patch last night to try over the weekend. Assuming the patch works, it sounds like a minor revision update will be offered very soon for all users. At that point I think all of my concerns and problems will have been addressed for my BDP :-)

03-28-2011, 11:48 AM
Well, I'm happy to report that my issue with Mezzmo and my BDP-S370 working together seem to be 100% solved. Everything's working as it should with no freezing with the new patches. Hopefully Dennis will push out the new updates soon for everyone!

03-29-2011, 12:42 AM
Nice. I look forward to testing the patch. if it works for me, I will be forking over my hard earned dollars for a fully licensed version.

04-01-2011, 02:13 AM
Please get the patch out soon before my wife divorces me. I talked her into the Sony BDP and the Mezzmo and getting rid of our DVR to save money and now its only working about 1/2 the time and its all the problems described in this thread. SHE NEEDS HER SHOWS!! :)

Seriously, any ETA on the patch? I would be happy to test it.

04-01-2011, 09:40 AM
The patch is ready, but you need to send a message to support (at) conceiva (dot) com to get it :) The official release will be next week, I believe.

04-01-2011, 09:41 AM
Already sent....Thanks!!

04-03-2011, 02:25 PM
Looking forward to testing out this patch - I paid for Mezzmo, and I really like the app on the PC. However, I have had to switch to using the free Serviio do get my setup with the Sony to work properly... grr!

04-11-2011, 03:13 AM
I have a Sony HX-800 and a Sony BDP-S570 in my living room and an LG BluRary in my bedroom.

I have been using Mezzmo for sometime now and in general it works great. However, I have been having many issues when connecting through the Sony BDP, usually forcing me to switch to the TV's built-in DLNA, which seems to be a LOT better. BTW, the reason I want to use the BDP as the DLNA device is that it is connected to my stereo and the TV is not.

Anyway, these are the issues I see:
-No DivX/XVid support in the player (I have to choose the Sony NoDivx profile or I don't see the divx/xvid movies listed)
-When I try to stream a 720p movie, the player starts streaming, but after 10-15 seconds, it starts looping on the same 5-10 second snippet over and over
-When I transcode DIVX/XVID, I get horrible quality

I tried switching to the Sony HT profile as mentioned in this thread, and some of the files play with good quality. However, I still had the looping on some files (which play great on the TV and on teh LG player).

Has anybody seen this looping problem?

04-11-2011, 07:40 AM
I believe the looping issue is somewhat common, and appears to be only when transcoding. It also seems to be linked to computers that might not be quite able to keep up fully with transcoding (at least in my experience). To my knowledge, Conceiva is very aware of the problem, but hopefully they can get back to you on any progress they've had in fixing the issue.

04-11-2011, 10:18 AM
Yes, those issues should all be fixed with the upcoming update. DivX support (or lack of) is based on the player's firmware (based on country of sale), so that's something that's out of our hands, but we will transcode those files so you can still watch them.

04-28-2011, 04:07 PM
Yes, those issues should all be fixed with the upcoming update. DivX support (or lack of) is based on the player's firmware (based on country of sale), so that's something that's out of our hands, but we will transcode those files so you can still watch them.

You´re right. I´ve tried the new update a few days and must say that i´m impressed! Everything works fine. Thanks!


05-02-2011, 01:13 AM
gave up on the S370 as a DLNA renderer. Purchased a MPH800 on whim(can't find them now) it plaYS EVERYTHING FROM MEZZMO. It is uncanny because Directv is a POS
I have to transcode everything back to MEg2 or VOB

05-02-2011, 01:14 AM
MPH800 was $53

05-14-2011, 05:19 AM
I have a BDP-S470 that i just bought and am using Mezzmo with for 2 days..

Video works in general although having issues with MOV files from my digital camera which i posted in a different spot... Could be i should just convert them to something else anyway.

But my main issue is with Pictures. I added a few folders of images as a quick test but on my Sony it does its thinking thing and then it says there are no playable files....

Any ideas. I know nothing about all this stuff. But i can say that using Mezzmo i had my movies playing in minutes.... Awesome! Thanks

05-15-2011, 12:06 PM
So i tried my pictures today and they worked great... i wonder if i was trying to access them from the movie section instead of the pictures section... anyway worked great.
So for me just the home movies from my digital camera problem left and maybe an aspect ratio problem for different movies... I tried a different setting on my player and the movie we are watching right now is good but a couple earlier today my son was watching were squished or off the screen.

06-03-2011, 10:15 PM
Using Sony BDP-570 to access music collection thru mezzo to BDP to sound system.

Problem seems to be that mp3 works fine, but nearly everything else (include. ITunes library and (away from system now --microsft format) shows up as corrupted or unsupported.



06-03-2011, 11:27 PM
Some clarifications.

My BlueRayPlayer is BDP-S570 Device:Sony BDP (NTSC, No DivX)

Problem file types include; m4a <- main problem though BDP should recognize.


06-06-2011, 10:00 AM
Can you please post FFmpeg information on one of those m4a files (in Mezzmo right-click on the file and use the "Get FFmpeg Information" command)? If you could also send one of those files through to support (at) conceiva (dot) com we could try it here and see what happens.