View Full Version : The commandline does NOT work

02-27-2009, 04:23 AM
The commandline does NOT work. I can export a job to xml and when I try to initiate the job via command line (downloadstudio.exe list.xml) nothing occurs. If I manually import the xml file it works as expected.

DownloadStudio uses XML on the command line to describe and create download jobs.

The format is:
[install path]downloadstudio.exe "[XML job description]"


[install path] is the installation path of DownloadStudio

[XML job description] is the XML that describes a download job

02-27-2009, 08:52 AM
I think we may need to improve the help file to make launching via command line clearer.

DownloadStudio needs actual XML on the command line, not a file containing XML. For example here is a basic command line execution of downloadstudio to add a new job.

c:\...\downloadstudio.exe "<downloadstudio><script><add_jobs display_dialog=yes><joblist><job><url>http://www.conceiva.com/products/downloadstudio/faqs.asp</url></job></joblist></add_jobs></script></downloadstudio>"

When this is executed it will open downloadstudio (if it is not already open) and open the dialog to add a job to download the FAQ page from our web site.

If you want it to download straight away without showing the dialog, change the display_dialog=yes to display_dialog=no.

You can also set all the settings for the job, for example referrer, output filename and location, number of splits to use and so on.

I hope this helps you get this working and we will make sure the help is improved for the next version.

02-28-2009, 12:06 AM
Thanks, the help file is as you stated VAGUE on that point, just one example like what you showed me would help.

The program is great BUT that command line syntax although powerful is CoMplEXX. I can certainly use it (I actually coded a little program to generate the xml file from selected url's in my browser) but for the average user why not simplify it (as an option) by making the commandline respond to a plain text file with a list of url's, one url per line. For power users the xml is more powerful and precise.

Thanks for the response

03-02-2009, 09:34 AM
No problem.

We will improve the help for the next update. Allowing a list of links in a text file is a great idea, we will consider this in the future.