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View Full Version : Last.fm support

11-23-2012, 01:52 PM
I wish that when I hear a song in streaming from my Philips Streamium will notify my Last.fm account. I think dont't is very difficult and is a feature we love the music lovers.


11-23-2012, 03:05 PM
Hopefully I understand your request - we are currently adding online video and music streaming into Mezzmo and we plan to support last.fm so you can stream music from last.fm to your DLNA device using Mezzmo.

11-23-2012, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the reply but I do not ask that. I ask do scrobbling when I play a song from Mezzmo http://www.lastfm.es/help/faq?category=Scrobbling

11-23-2012, 03:45 PM
Understand now, LETRA. We don't have any immediate plans to support scrobbling, but we'll certainly consider it and discuss it here. Thanks for the suggestion.

11-24-2012, 01:27 AM
Thanks Paul. I suppose it's not very difficult to implement. The API is open.

03-09-2013, 05:03 PM
Hello again. I have found that this is possible in other media-servers. For example in Linux with a difficult application may possible http://juliensimon.blogspot.com.es/2008/12/howto-adding-lastfm-scrobbling-to.html

Don't forget the petition, please.


03-12-2013, 11:04 AM
We have not forgotten, LETRA. Thanks for the reminder :)