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View Full Version : Missing/corrupted Metadata after Mezzmo v3.0 upgrade

02-06-2013, 02:42 PM

After performing an in-place upgrade of Mezzmo 3.0, all of my metadata (thousands of files) are now missing. Artist, Genre, etc. are now showing numeric values (see uploaded image) and the Title is using the File System name. If I take a new file (no previous metadata), perform the Metadata Search, then click "OK", it does not save the new data. The UI is up, but the server service itself keeps crashing (dump file incoming via e-mail).

Running this 'As Administrator' does not help.

Please tell me the data is still stored somewhere.

OS: Windows 8 Professional (x64)

02-06-2013, 03:26 PM
we can help recover your database, there is a tool called ‘Sqlite Database Browser’, could you please download this from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/files/latest/download
If you run this tool and then open your Mezzmo.db file (to find this file, go to c:\users\<username\appdata\Local\Conceiva\Mezzmo or c:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Conceiva\Mezzmo (where <username> is your username)).
Then from the ‘File’ menu choose ‘Export’->’Database to SQL File’ and save it as Mezzmo.sql, once this is complete add the exported file to a zip file and send it to support [at] conceiva [dot] com we can provide instructions on how to recover the database.