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View Full Version : Subtitle .srt problem

05-14-2013, 02:14 PM
Got a real strange problem I can't seem to figure out. Some of my .srt subtitles won't play I send to my samsung tv while others works just fine. They have the exact same name as the movie file and are in the same folder. When I play the movie on pc the subs appear, but not on my samsung. Again some subs plays others don't can't for the life of me find the logic in why some will and some won't

05-14-2013, 03:43 PM
Hi ZealotTC,

One reason for this is that some of your .srt subtitle files may be badly formed (e.g. incorrect syntax within the file, or incorrect timeline within the file) so your TV cannot decode and display them.

Try this: Right-click on the video in Mezzmo and click Properties. On the Properties dialog, go to the Subtitles tab. You should see your .srt subtitles listed there for your video. If you don't, click "Update Subtitles" and Mezzmo will try to find any associated subtitles and add them to the list. If still no subtitles are listed, then click "Add Subtitle" and add it manually. If Mezzmo finds any inconsistencies within the .srt file, then it will report this to you at this point. You may need to fix the .srt file or download another one that is better formed. Next, select your subtitle from the list and click "Subtitle Settings". This will display all the settings for the selected subtitle. Make sure the language and code page are set correctly and save your changes. Then, go to the Transcoding tab in the Properties dialog and delete your transcoded files. Try streaming the video now.