View Full Version : Metadata and covers only grabbed automatically from internet if English selected

06-06-2013, 05:52 AM
Hi there,

I am having an issue, I can only get the library to update automatically, both covers and metadata files if "en" is selected as lenguaje.
I can update manually using "es" but only manually, file by file.
Also, how could i update a series that has a different tittle in spanish, for example, "once upon a time" is "erase una vez" in spanish, mezzmo does not find anything (automatically) for "erase una vez" but it does manually.

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards,

06-06-2013, 11:30 AM
Thanks for reporting this. We'll test this now and fix it if necessary.

03-20-2015, 03:54 AM
There is the same problem for Russian "ru" in the current version (

03-20-2015, 09:41 AM
Let us know more details (what you are doing step-by-step - include screenshot if necessary) and we'll reproduce the problem here & fix it.

03-31-2015, 03:41 AM
Perform the following settings:
Tools -> Options -> Retrieving Metadata -> Metadate Retrieval Setting
Set checkbox: Get text and artwork metadata from internet web sites
Set language: ru

Maintain Library -> Metadate Retrieval Setting
Set checkbox: Get text and artwork metadata from internet web sites
Set language: ru

After a complete update of the library all the information received from the Internet appears only in English.


Titles in English:


Click Get Online Video Metadata, the following window appears:


Click Search and receive information in Russian:


After saving the titles in Russian:


The information is not accepted in Russian automatically.

03-31-2015, 11:40 AM
Thanks for the detailed notes and screenshots. We've reproduced the problem and fixed it. The fix will be included in the upcoming Mezzmo v5.0 - or you can email us now at support [at] conceiva [dot] com for a patch that includes the fix.