View Full Version : Improved Seasrching on Samsung TV

10-09-2013, 11:43 PM
I run Mezzmo for my movies and the like and have a large number of movies in my library currently. When I want to find a movie to watch I have to scroll through every movie until I find the one I am looking for or one that I feel like watching.
Would it be possible to build in some kind of serach ability (even if it was simply alphabetical) so that you could find what you are looking for easier.
Other than that thank you for a great product

10-10-2013, 10:41 AM
Hi goldres,

Thanks for the suggestion. In the latest version of Mezzmo, the "All Videos" playlist lists your videos in a rolodex-style A..Z listing. This makes it easier to find your movie. If you have upgraded from an older version of Mezzmo, then your "All Vidoes" playlist may just list your videos without the A..Z sub-playlists. Here's how you can add this A..Z playlist into Mezzmo: http://forum.conceiva.com/showthread.php/476-Tutorial-How-to-create-a-rolodex-style-index-using-Smart-playlists-in-Mezzmo?p=22720#post22720. If you have any troubles, let us know.

10-14-2013, 04:34 AM
Hi Paul

I tried your suggestion and it works but .. by selecting "All Videos" it lists all the videos I have in my mezzmo library.

In my setup I have a number of folders (one for Movies, one for TV series, one for documentaries, one for music videos, one for photography training and so on). In my movies folder (actually two folders on two different external hard drives and merged in mezzmo - great feature) I have over 100 movies and it takes a lot of paging to get to one that starts say with "m". What I am actually requesting / suggesting is a way the search within a folder for either a specific movie (for example .. looking for "Bad Boys") or to search alphabetically so that I can jump closer to the movie I am looking for.

I hope this suggestion makes sense to you



10-14-2013, 10:06 AM
Understand, Gary. When you browse using your folders on your device(s), then you will see a list of files and sub-folders just like you would if you were browsing them on disk using Windows Explorer. To better organize them for easier browsing, that's where you can use smart playlists and active playlists in Mezzmo. You could have one playlist for all your movies, one for your music videos, one for your photos, etc. That may help you browse easier. If you want help setting this up, just ask.

10-17-2013, 09:41 PM
Hi Paul
I think that I do need some help. I tried to set upi both a smart and active playlist for my movies but when I went to set it up and mezzmo asked me for teh location I could only get to the folders directory and not down to the movies folder within folders. The set up in the videos playlist in my library is i have a main folder (called folders) which contains sub folders for each category (Training, movies, series, music videos, etc) each of these folders refers to specific directory on my pc (in either a hard drive or external hard drive) In each of these folders I have all my videos for that section (so i have all my movies in a directory on my hard disc that is referenced by the movies sub folder within Folders). It works well in that I can find all my videos by section but as I have over 800 movies for example searching through the 80 odd pages is quite tedious. I would like to try your idea of smart or active playlists but as I mentioned at the start I can only see the Folders folder and cannot seem to get to the individual sub folders (Movies, series, etc) within folders.

I hope I have explained this fully for you


10-18-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi Gary,
for a smart playlist, the location you specify is the playlist under which your smart playlist will be added. To setup the playlist so that it contains just files from your movies folder you can add a rule so that the FilePath must contain \Movies\. 600
You can do the same for Training, series, music videos, etc