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View Full Version : Mezzmo keeps dropping....random drops log attached

11-04-2013, 09:30 AM
This is getting annoying. I love this product soooo much, but I can't deal with having to restart a movie 5 times during playback....I know this log is not full, but I couldn't zip a 47 MB log and get it to you....here is the section where I get dropped..... 603

11-04-2013, 09:54 AM
Sorry for the problems. From the logs excerpt, it appears there may be other devices (such as your router) on your home network interfering with streaming. Can you zip up the 47MB log files? They should compress to a very small size. Then, email them to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com and we'll help you get up and running.

11-04-2013, 11:33 AM
I have emailed the logs to you....these are newer....zip file is 18 MB.....but in this one you will see at least 2-3 drops...... Samsung D ... Please let me know you got the email....

Thanks guys!!

11-04-2013, 12:15 PM
We have not received the email - the reason will be because the 18MB attachment is too large for our email server. Can you upload the zip file to a filesharing site like SkyDrive, Google Drive, Rapidshare, Dropbox, etc.? Then email us the download link to support [at] conceiva [dot] com.

11-04-2013, 12:26 PM
Working on it.....

11-04-2013, 12:37 PM
sent you dropbox invite...did you get it?

11-04-2013, 12:38 PM
Yes, got the invite - thanks. We'll download the logs now and analyze them. We'll report back via email after we're done.

11-04-2013, 05:10 PM
From the logs, I can see home network errors. Have there been any changes recently - e.g. firmware updates to your router or other devices, or upgrades to your firewall?

Please reboot your router(s) and reboot your PC. Run Mezzmo and stop your Mezzmo server. Next, go to the Media Devices dialog and delete all devices listed there. Start your Mezzmo server and your devices should be re-listed in the Media Devices dialog. Try streaming now. Let us know how that goes. If all is OK, then turn off logging and clear your logs.

11-05-2013, 06:05 AM
Couple of things I have done which might help (I also have a Samsung)

I still get the occasional dropouts but they are rare nowadays

1, Assign a static IP to your PC and to the Samsung, I assigned IP ending .50 & .51 to these devices and changed the DHCP on the router to only issue upto .49 addresses
2, In Mezzmo under media devices option, edit your Samsung, under the performance tab, drop the slider down a couple of notches (I have not noticed a reduction in quality)

These 2 changes have made mine quite stable now, perhaps one or two dropouts per month

11-06-2013, 10:12 AM
Thanks for sharing this knowledge, Paul.