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View Full Version : Content Rating in v4 for UK

06-04-2014, 08:26 AM

4.0 seems to be fantastic so far, looks great with Android app. Two questions on the content rating is (a) on default US setting using android app the rating shows as a graphic next to the film name which looks great, but now I have set to UK this only appears on PG, others show as a separate text line, any idea why?

Secondly now I have set to UK the Android app shows that, albeit it with the niggle mentioned above, but in Mezzmo itself and when I add the content rating into the file name it reverts back to US, not UK. What might I be doing wrong?



06-04-2014, 09:49 AM
Hi Steve,

The current version of the Android app has only images for US-based content ratings. For other countries, you will see "Content rating: <rating>" text displayed instead of the image. We'll add more images for other countries in further versions.

To set your preferred country for content ratings, go to the Options dialog (Content Rating page). That tells Mezzmo to collect ratings using that country's ratings and to deliver ratings to devices using that country's ratings. Existing ratings in your Mezzmo library may have been collected using another country (e.g. US) so you will need to run Maintain Library to update them to use your new preferred country ratings.

06-04-2014, 07:05 PM
Thanks Paul, my library refreshed overnight and in mezzmo and streamed titles now in UK.

Oddly just to test this and make sure I didn't dream it, I altered it back just to test to Australia ratings without a refresh, Mezzmo library and streamed titles remain in UK, but android add immediately switched from a UK 12 to an "Content Rating: M" which suggests parts do swap immediately without the need for a refresh.

Anyway its all good, just though it was worth mentioning.

Thanks again.

06-04-2014, 10:11 PM
Hi Steve,

Glad it's working now.

Just to clear up preferred countries, Mezzmo collects & stores content ratings for your files using the preferred country setting in the Options dialog. These ratings are stored with your files in your Mezzmo library.

Mezzmo also streams content ratings using the preferred country to your devices. If you have a content rating for a file based on another country in your Mezzmo library, then Mezzmo will convert it on-the-fly when streaming to your preferred country's ratings.

If you change the preferred country at some point in time, then any files that you add or maintain in your Mezzmo library will use this new preferred country.

06-13-2014, 08:32 AM

I have upgraded to the latest update and a lot of the rating problems are resolved, also mass renamed to remove (PG) etc and that's fixed that problem as well.

Only question I have is the UK options for ratings, it still appears to get this wrong, rather than getting UK ratings as the option suggests it seems to be translating US ratings, e.g. "The Grand Budapest Hotel" in the UK is cert.15, confirmed with IMDB but shows as an 18.

When I do a manual, properties and find the details it returns as US (R) which then gets translated to 18.

Also I have a number of films with no rating but all other metadata, but if I simply select one and search for it finds the details again but with what seems a random country rating, some (I),(DE),(US) and very occasionally a (UK) and when I click OK it gets translated to the UK equivalent (or nearest), some don't such as UR(US) which I guess is Unrated even though it has a GB cert.

I can manually fix these but I don't want to loose all my work if I find I need to run a full maintenance later on.

Does Mezzmo search for UK ratings "from" the selected country as the setting states or just locate any country rating or MPAA from imdb and then translate "to".



06-13-2014, 09:37 AM
Hi Steve,

Mezzmo searches the online movie site, themoviedb.org, for the movie and then searches within the movie's metadata for your preferred country when assigning the content rating. When a content rating has not been set for your preferred country for that movie, then Mezzmo will get the US rating (if no US rating, then it gets the first content rating it can find) and this is then translated to your preferred country. The reason you are getting '18' is that there is no UK content rating assigned for "The Grand Budapest Hotel" at themoviedb.org, so Mezzmo is using the US rating of 'R' and then translating it to '18'.

06-13-2014, 04:52 PM
Thanks Paul that makes sense, I did all my tests using IMDB as the release notes stated "Improved: Better text metadata and artwork for movies and TV series videos from web sites such IMDB and TheTVDB" and " Improved: Getting online metadata for movies and TV series from www.imdb.com and www.thetvdb.com", doesn't make any reference to themoviedb.org, otherwise I would have used that to test instead.


06-13-2014, 05:49 PM
That's our mistake in the release notes. Thanks for alerting us to that.