View Full Version : Newest mezzmo update

07-14-2014, 01:22 PM
Ever since the last mezzmo update, new files have given off the error on the server that the format is unknown. They also aren't detectible on devices such as my samsung smart-tv.

07-14-2014, 02:30 PM
Some questions:

Go to Mezzmo (Windows) app and right-click on one of these files and click Properties. Do the properties of the file look OK (including the video tab)? Post screenshots if anything is wrong/strange.
Right-click on one of these files and click 'Get FFmpeg Information'. Post that information here.
What device profile are you using with your TV? Go to the Media Devices dialog to see this.

07-15-2014, 09:32 AM
Cannot access properties or ffmpeg information.
The device profiles i've used are SAMSUNG C & the Ssamsung H profile I'm supposed to be testing to see if works but hasn't been possible to test on new files.


07-15-2014, 09:46 AM
That's a strange result that I have not seen before. Turn on logging (see http://forum.conceiva.com/showthread.php/419-FAQ-How-to-turn-on-diagnostic-logging) and stop your Mezzmo server and exit Mezzmo Windows app. Run Mezzmo again. Right-click on the "Anime" folder in the tree in Mezzmo and click "Maintain Playlist". On the Maintain Playlist dialog, select "Update all attributes" radio button and click "Maintain Now". This will perform a full maintenance on the folder, sub-folders and files in the folder. Wait until maintenance and the system tasks have completed. Then try viewing your folders and files now. If no better, then stop your Mezzmo server (if running) and exit Mezzmo. Zip up all the logs and email them to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com.