View Full Version : MezzmoMediaServer.exe constantly at 25%

10-21-2010, 04:29 AM
Is there any reason why mezzmomediaserver.exe is using 25% of the cpu constantly even when no one is viewing and nothing is being transcoded (to be sure, I clicked 'Stop All Current Transcoding'). What is it doing?

I'm on on Windows 7 x64.

10-21-2010, 09:32 AM
No, it should take that much CPU - can you please turn on logging (see this thread: http://forum.conceiva.com/showthread.php/419-FAQ-How-to-turn-on-diagnostic-logging), restart the server, wait for it (while it's sitting on the 25% CPU) for a few seconds, then stop the server and send the logs to support (at) conceiva (dot) com for further investigation.