View Full Version : Customise determining Season / Episode information from a file name

03-26-2015, 07:06 PM

Adding to my previous "Advanced Playlist Filtering" idea, Mezzmo doesn't seem to handle extracting episode information out of a file that doesn't have a season. Anime in particular, often comes without a season in the title, and Mezzmo seems to play poorly with this.

Eg. Anime often comes as Series_E01_title.mkv, or Series-Ep25-title.mkv sometimes, even just 01-Title.avi for a few examples. A way to add custom expressions (RegEx would be win!) for extracting this information from titles would be awesome! :)

Because Mezzmo can't pick up the details by itself, it also stops the automatic Fetch Online Metadata from working :(

03-27-2015, 10:25 AM
Thanks for this information. We'll add anime filenaming styles into Mezzmo so your anime files are parsed correctly. Please email us a collection of filenames from your collection that we can use a examples. Email them to us at support [at[ conceiva [dot] com.

03-28-2015, 11:02 AM
Thanks for this information. We'll add anime filenaming styles into Mezzmo so your anime files are parsed correctly. Please email us a collection of filenames from your collection that we can use a examples. Email them to us at support [at[ conceiva [dot] com.

Done Done Done :)