View Full Version : Please: PREFERED sound channel by LANG & Triggers at end of play

04-15-2015, 07:10 PM

I bought this app 2 or 3 years ago and I still using Mezzmo because it's really great job.

I only have two request, one really important for some regions:

· Preferred audio channel (General or by folder):
I am watching some anime shows and usually these files contains 3 audio chanels on my region (JAP, SPANISH and CATALAN).

I cannot select preferred audio channel on folder, I need to apply on every file and if one anime contains 600 files I only can apply my prefered audio channel to all files with right click > properties > Video > Preferred audio channel > Select my chanel > Ok and repeat it for all files. ˇˇThis is tedious!!

Please introduce that like a subs (on general config. or folder/smart playlist config) :(

· Folder view trigger
Smartlist are cool but can not use for download folders because it not update files with only listing from TV (like folders).

I think that can be useful: Option to apply triggers at end of play for a folder files (When play count do + 1) with some actions like Delete file, Move file to another folder...

For example, I have a folder "Movies" and this have another subfolder "Movies/viewed". I want to apply a trigger for "Movies" files when played for move file to "Movies/viewed".

Perdón por mi Inglés :(


04-16-2015, 10:16 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.

We plan to add a feature that lets you set your preferred audio language so that Mezzmo auto-selects this language (if it exists) for your video files. We should have this feature in an upcoming Mezzmo version.

Actually, smart playlists are always auto-updated with the matching files from your Mezzmo library - i.e. they are dynamic. However, in the current version of Mezzmo, files are only added into your Mezzmo library when you add them manually (via the 'Add To Library') menus in Mezzmo app or when you browse into a folder or linked playlist from your device or Mezzmo app. The upcoming Mezzmo v5.0 will have a new feature where you can set an auto-refresh interval so that your folders and linked playlists and scanned for new files and added into your Mezzmo library - i.e. they are kept up-to-date. For example, you may want Mezzmo to scan your folders for new files every 6 hours.

04-16-2015, 07:33 PM
At the first: Thanks for reply. I wait with high expectations the new version.

About time-update smart list...: That not solve the problem because if I have automatic downloads in a folder i need to wait for updater or I need to configure update in short period's of time to maintain it with last files.

Maybe can work with update smartlist under demand, for example, in my torrent client I can configure "run this app when new download.." and this app can be a command of mezzmo to update my smartlist of download folder.

Another wise that not solve all problems because i want run triggers (or another app to do some actions) at end of play, for example, to be sure that files as played or not and order/delete in their correspondent folder.

I think the options to run triggers at end of play (when +1 play count is checked) add a big potential to Mezzmo. If you don't want work too much for this add only one trigger: "Run app at the end of play" and leave textbox for path (.exe and .bat) and run it sending filename "at first param" (With quotes for grant spaces and scape for quotes) when play count go up :)

Thanks for great job!!

04-17-2015, 09:31 AM
Understand. We'll discuss your ideas further here for possible inclusion into a future version of Mezzmo.

06-11-2016, 01:11 PM
Update: Preferred audio language has been added into Mezzmo v5.0. Go to the Options dialog (Streaming page) to set your preferred languages.

Also, a new auto-refresh folders feature has been added into Mezzmo v5.0 that will let you keep your Mezzmo library up-to-date without using Maintain Library. Right-click on a folder in Mezzmo and click Properties. On the Properties dialog set the refresh interval (e.g. every 1 hour, or every 7 days, or every 15 minutes) that you want Mezzmo to scan your folder (and its sub-folders) on disk to find any new files that you may have downloaded, etc. New files are automatically added into your Mezzmo library, with full text metadata and artwork. Your smart playlists and active playlists are also updated. This new feature works in both Mezzmo (Windows) app and Mezzmo server. So you an close Mezzmo (Windows) app after setting your refresh interval and let Mezzmo server handle the refreshing of your folders & Mezzmo library :).