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View Full Version : Does gapless multifile still work under Win10?

10-22-2015, 10:48 PM
Doesn`t for me. And even If I somehow get a transcoded file created, it is not visible in the library.
Any suggestions?

10-23-2015, 09:31 AM
Gapless multi-files do work under Windows 10. Can you provide more information what is not working? Perhaps take a screenshot of the Properties dialog for your gapless multi-file.

10-23-2015, 09:54 PM
usually the wrong dialog gets shown (right click on selection -> "Create gapless..."). Trying multiple times usually results in a hard crash (I have the dump, in case). See attachments.



10-26-2015, 09:37 AM
Please email the crash dump ZIP file to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com & we'll know what's going wrong. if the crash dump ZIP file is >10MB, then upload it to a filesharing site like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. and email us the download link.

10-27-2015, 10:56 PM
Its around 8MB and on its way.

10-28-2015, 09:28 AM
OK - thanks. We'll analyze the crash dump file and report back via email.

10-28-2015, 04:30 PM
So far no crash but also still a problem with the creation of gapless files. What seems to happen is that Mezzmo looses track of where to create it.
In the Folder-Pane the selection gets reverted back to the main entry ("Library") after clicking OK in the dialog. If I had the main entry selected beforehand, the file gets created, otherwise not.

Also, once the dialog has been called a restart is necessary or it won't work at all the next time.

Btw, is there a limitation, since the MP3s are from the Amazon music store?

10-28-2015, 05:48 PM
The reason that Mezzmo is defaulting the location of the gapless multi-file to "Library" is probably due to you trying to create a gapless multi-file in a smart playlist, active playlist or folder/sub-folder. Smart playlists, active playlists and folders/sub-folders are dynamic in nature, so you cannot manually create & store files (or playlists) inside them. Mezzmo determines the contents of a smart playlist or active playlist based on your files and their metadata, and the contents of a folder based on the files inside the folder on your hard disk, NAS, etc. Hope that makes sense. So, it's best to create a normal playlist and store your gapless file there. However, if your gapless multi-file has valid metadata such as artist, album, genre, etc. then it will be automatically be listed in the smart playlists and active playlists under Music (for example, Artist, Album, Genre playlists).

Mezzmo has no limitations regarding music files - except if your music files contain digital rights management (DRM) inside them. DRM may restrict Mezzmo from reading & streaming the music file. If you are unsure if they have DRM, then right-click on one of them in Mezzmo and click 'Get FFmpeg Information'. Post that info here or email the info to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com.

10-28-2015, 09:47 PM
I get to the point where I have the playlist with the gapless file in it, but can't then access its properties once created.

This would be the info from the first song:
ffmpeg version N-66094-gbb8b752 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers
built on Sep 4 2014 16:23:51 with gcc 4.8.2 (GCC)
configuration: --enable-memalign-hack --arch=x86_64 --target-os=mingw32 --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-zlib --disable-postproc --prefix=/home/peter/ffmpeg/build/gpl64 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --extra-libs='-lx264 -lpthread' --enable-runtime-cpudetect --extra-cflags=-I/home/peter/cc32/include --extra-ldflags=-L/home/peter/cc64/lib --pkg-config=pkg-config --disable-w32threads --enable-libvpx --enable-libvorbis
libavutil 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
libavcodec 56. 1.100 / 56. 1.100
libavformat 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100
libavdevice 56. 0.100 / 56. 0.100
libavfilter 5. 0.103 / 5. 0.103
libswscale 3. 0.100 / 3. 0.100
libswresample 1. 1.100 / 1. 1.100
Input #0, mp3, from 'E:\DataStore\Media\_1 - Audio\Sigur Ros, Jonsi and Alex\Circe\01-01- Ladies and Gentleman, Boys & Girls.mp3':
title : Ladies and Gentleman, Boys & Girls
artist : Georg Holm, Orri Páll Dýrason, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson & Kjartan Holm
album : Circe
genre : Alternative Rock
track : 1/14
disc : 1/1
album_artist : Various artists
copyright : KRUNK
date : 2015
Duration: 00:08:05.77, start: 0.025056, bitrate: 256 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16p, 255 kb/s
Stream #0:1: Video: mjpeg, yuvj420p(pc, bt470bg), 600x600 [SAR 1:1 DAR 1:1], 90k tbr, 90k tbn, 90k tbc
title :
comment : Cover (front)
At least one output file must be specified

<MEZZMO>: Child process ended with code: 109, ExitCode=1

---> DB Level Info: 0, -99
---> Frame rate:
---> Aspect ratio:
---> Duration: 00:08:05

10-29-2015, 02:18 PM
I just tried it here and it working fine for me :confused:. I created a gapless multi-file in my Mezzmo library and then right-clicked on the new gapless file and clicked Properties to display the Properties dialog.

Perhaps we should see a set of logs to see if there is anything going wrong in your Mezzmo setup. Turn on logging in Mezzmo (see http://forum.conceiva.com/showthread.php/419-FAQ-How-to-turn-on-diagnostic-logging). Exit Mezzmo (Windows) app and then run it again. Now try to display the Properties dialog for the gapless multi-file. When it fails to display, stop your Mezzmo server and exit Mezzmo (Windows) app again. Zip up all the logs and email them to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com.

10-29-2015, 05:41 PM

Dialog failed to display. Did as advised and sent you the logs.

10-31-2015, 01:23 PM
Thanks - got your logs & will reply via email.