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View Full Version : Program sometimes locks up on Samsung DVD

10-28-2016, 09:09 AM
Sometimes, when using Mezzmo over my wired network and Samsung DVD player as the front end, Mezzmo locks up. E.g. #1, I can see the first part of my films directory, but I can't scroll down. Or, example #2, I push Pause, but then when I try Play, it won't start. When this happens, the only way out is to turn off the power to my DVD, and restart. Sometimes, even the power down doesn't work -- I have to unplug the DVD or flip the circuit breaker.

I realize that this sounds like an issue with hardware, not software, but why does it only happen when I'm using Mezzmo?

And, second, I realize that this is the kind of tech problem we all hate, because I don't know how to replicate it.

It *seems* like whenever I "push" Mezzmo -- like, I ask it to do several different operations, or click around too quickly with my remote, that will cause the brain freeze -- but I can't guarantee you that I can make it happen.

So, where do we start to break this down? I.e., what info can I supply that might help figure it out?

11-14-2016, 01:19 PM

11-14-2016, 01:34 PM
can you please enable diagnostic logging http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=using_logging&s[]=diagnostic then after restarting your Mezzmo media server try to reproduce the problem and then send us the logs so we can investigate.

11-15-2016, 03:59 AM
Thanks; logs attached.
It happened again last night: I was listening to music, and Mezzmo stopped halfway through the album. No buttons on the DVD remote did anything (other than power off). Checked the PC, looked OK. About 10 minutes later, I got control back, then no problems the rest of the night. I'll send you an email with the log file location.

11-15-2016, 11:48 AM
thanks for the logs, they show the socket is becoming blocked and never leaving this state so this results in Mezzmo server stopping sending bytes to the device. We have added some handling for this in Mezzmo 5.1 so that when this state occurs after ten tries we exit the loop and come back again in a short time to try sending again and this should help resolve the issue. Please send an email to support [at] conceiva [dot] com and we will send you the 5.1 beta to try.