View Full Version : Is My Hardware not up to HD (.MKV)?

11-27-2010, 05:30 AM
I have recently just gotten a HD tv, and as such have started re-ripping some of my DVD collection to take full advantage of the quality. It might well be that I'm not experienced at ripping, but I've followed guides and everything seems to go well.

Take my rip of the Shawshank Redemption, it's about 10GB. When trying to play it back on my Sony Bravia, it stops and starts every second.

The hardware my Mezzmo Server is running on is:
Intel E2200 @ 2.20GhZ,
2GB of Ram
Windows Home Server.

If its not up to the task, is there anyway to get Mezzmo to transcode "ahead"?

11-29-2010, 09:48 AM
That processor would be at around the minimum mark needed for standard-def on-the-fly transcoding and I don't think it can be pushed to do high-def encoding (with original quality) in real-time. Since you're re-ripping your DVDs, maybe it would be a good idea to rip them in TV's native format, such as AVCHD, this way Mezzmo wouldn't need to re-transcode. We have an updated device profile available for the Bravia that you can try if you send us a message to support (at) conceiva (dot) com as well.

12-02-2010, 11:05 PM
Thanks Dennis, I'll give ripping to AVCHD a go.