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01-28-2017, 02:49 AM
EDIT 8 Feb 2017

See post #24 for the Full Monty of this thread.

I believe that there are big errors in the processing of Playlists.

I've had Mezzmo for a few years and always relied on the good organisation of my PC folders to find films by their Title (because Mezzmo never seems to do what I expect).

I've always wanted to be able to search on different criteria, so I decided to do a proper test.

I created a new database which only contains the works of one person - Spike Milligan.

I've got a number of his TV programs in the folder hierarchy ...>Comedy Progs >Spike Milligan >{Series name} >{Episode}

Attachment 1 (with Titles set to include the Path) shows some of the movies.

Attachment 2 shows the definition of a playlist called Spike Logic Test

Attachment 3 shows that the playlist is empty.

Why is it empty? What have I done wrong, or is this the first bug?

I've tried simplifying the filter (to 'Comedy' or 'Spike') and tried different keywords.

This is just the first strange thing that I find in this area.

01-30-2017, 09:58 AM
possibly the properties of the files are missing the 'Year' value and this is why the files are not listed. For an active playlist the files must contain all of the keywords listed in the structure, so for this example Genre and Year must not be empty. I think also the 'Group by first word' is in the wrong place in the hierarchy since the Year will always be one word, you should try moving this up or down in the hierarchy. The group by first word may be failing due to the Year being a numerical value.

02-01-2017, 03:11 AM
Thank you Peter - that's a good start for me. Could I jump to my ultimate goal, which I would expect to be simple. It has eluded me for years.

I have TV series which are simply organised in my Windows folders, like this:


- Comedy
- Alexei Sayle
- Series 1
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Series 2
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Blackadder
- Series 2
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Series 4
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3

I want to create a playlist which would show something like this:

- Unwatched Comedy
- Alexei Sayle
- Series 1
- Episode 2
- Series 2
- Episode 3
- Blackadder
- Series 2
- Episode 1
- Episode 3
- Series 4
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3

In view of your answer, my questions are:

1. Which field do I put in my Keyword Hierarchy?
2. How do I them populated, semi automatically. e.g. I don't want to edit every film in the Mezzmo database by hand. I would like to create nfo files and populate them semi-automatically, and have Mezzmo import the data.
3. I have created an nfo file containing the following. <keyword>Comedy</keyword>. I expected that to appear against the film in Mezzmo, but it doesn't what am I doing wrong?
4. It would be a great help to understand the mapping between nfo files and Mezzmo movie metadata. Is this available anywhere?

02-01-2017, 10:32 AM
For this playlist you can use the TV Series playlist in Mezzmo as an example, use the Keyword hierarchy:

Album / Series
...Disc / Season

And set the Smart Filter to 'Genre contains Comedy'.
For the Unwatched playlist you can also set the Smart Filter rule 'Playcount is 0'.

02-04-2017, 04:45 PM
Thanks Peter. A light at the end oif the tunnel.

And after several years, it's finally dawned that Album / Series, and Disc / Season DO have relevance to shows recorded off the TV. The terminology has always made me think that they related to music rather than TV show movies ...

02-05-2017, 03:45 AM
Hi Peter, I wonder if you could explain what I've done wrong here.

The documentation seems quite simple, and I think I've followed it, but I don't get the promised results?

I expected the Category to be set to TV Show.

Please see attachments.




02-05-2017, 06:49 AM
I expected the Category to be set to TV Show.

In my experience, the Category field only gets set when I retrieve information from the Internet. Using S__E__ format appears to populate the season and episode fields and make the Internet search do a TV Show search instead of a Movie search... but if I never do an Internet retrieval, the Category field stays empty. I don’t use NFO files, so I can’t say whether they work to fill that field. I do use "mp4box ... -itags ..." to set the "album, disk, tracknum" (series, season, episode) information, and Mezzmo reads that (and it reads the S__E__ filename format when the video isn’t tagged, for example for my non-mp4 videos). Mezzmo does not, however, appear to assume that if a video has a series, season and episode, it’s probably a TV Show and not a movie... until it does an Internet search, when it does assume that for searching purposes.

02-05-2017, 09:56 AM
Thanks for your interest and help, Coises.

I've just re-imported the files, having set the metadata choices to "Update All Attributes", I have every metadata source ticked, but the Categories remain empty.

1. Is my understanding incorrect?
2. Is the documentation incorrect/insufficient, or
3. Is there a bug?

I would expect a simple response in one of the following forms.

1. An explanation of my error.
2. A re-phrasing of the documentation to make it accurate, or
3. An explanation of the bug and a promise to fix it.

Thanks again for your input.

02-05-2017, 07:31 PM

I've just done a comprehensive test for my own benefit and that of other users.

Conceiva might find it useful as well. Reference http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_filenames#tv_shows (www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_filenames#tv_shows)

The population of TV Show in the Category, during import or Maintain Playlist, is carried out under the following conditions:

1. Irrespective of the file name, if the file has an associated nfo file containg an internal overriding parameter of <episodedetails> - YES.

<title>Episode 2</title>
<showtitle>The All New Alexei Sayle Show</showtitle>
<name>Angus Deighton</name>

2. If the movie has no associated nfo file but the folder contains a tvshow.nfo file - YES.

3. If the file has no associated nfo file containg the overriding parameter, and there is no tvshow.nfo file in the folder - NO.

1. If the file name contains SxxExx (Number of x's and spaces seems irrelevant) and the file has an associated nfo file (irrespective of its contents) - YES.

2. Irrespective of the filename, if the folder contains a tvshow.nfo file - YES.

3. If the file name contains SxxExx but the file has no associated nfo file, and there is no tvshow.nfo file in the folder - NO.

All of the above is purely dependent on having the 'Get text metadata from nfo files' option being ticked in Maintain Metadata. It is not affected by the setting of the 'Get data from internet' option.

02-05-2017, 10:22 PM
Category works with nfo files, I use nfo files for everything
Unfortunately I have just cleaned up my library this morning by adding new nfo files, so not sure what it does with Category if no nfo present, but can let you know in the next few days after i record some more shows

For the allo allo examples, are you using nfo files for this?
from looking at it, if you are not using nfo files, it might be the naming of the files
if you view properties of the files in mezzmo and then click get online info, does it fail and say not found?
the show name according to tvdb is 'allo 'allo!, you could try renaming to this, though not sure if those characters would work as file names

I have had it in the past where if the show name doesnt match with tvdb, then no data is retrieved for the show, giving issues like yours, this was one of the reasons i moved fully to nfos, as it doesnt matter what the filename is as long as it has an nfo files with it, mainly for recorded tv where Season/Episode is not known at the time of the recording

EDIT:Another quick thought, not sure how Mezzmo handles them, but as the examples you gave are mp4 files, check in windows explorer to see if they have embedded metadata in them, this can throw off scans

02-06-2017, 10:27 AM
Thanks Paul, It's good to get everybody's contribution. I agree with everything you say, as none of it conflicts with my post #9.

I have discovered about 5 undocumented tips since I started this thread - shame they are not documented anywhere.

I'll tell Conceiva how their software works in a few days.

02-06-2017, 12:00 PM
I have reproduced the problem where the file with season and episode information is not set to the TV show category, the TV show category is only assigned when getting information from thetvdb.org. We can fix this so that any video with season and episode information is assigned this category.

02-06-2017, 02:03 PM
I have sent you a private message with information about a patch you can install for the tv show category issue.

02-06-2017, 09:32 PM
Hi Peter,

The email hasn't arrived in my inbox - not sure if you sent it to me.

EDIT: Huh. Just found out what a private message is ... Thanks

But please re-read my message 9.

My Categories for TV Shows *seem to be* fine now. However, I only have metadata sources set to my folder path and file - nothing to do with the internet - and I've never seen or heard of thetvdb.org, so I doubt your comment in message #12.

In my case, because harvesting info from the internet appears to supply too many wrong guesses, reliance on the internet would be a bad thing for me. Please don't remove the identification from the tvshow.nfo file or the movie's nfo file.


02-06-2017, 09:48 PM
Hi Peter,

I have now moved onto my Home Movies, and referenced the documentation at http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_filenames#tv_shows.

I attach an extract from that page.

Everything listed in the extract is INCORRECT (unless there are additional conditions which aren't mentioned). (All my files are mp4's but I guess that doesn't matter).

IS THERE A WAY of populating the Category on Home Movies "Home Movie"?



02-07-2017, 09:22 AM
I re-read your post #9 and the patch fixes issue 3 you posted where if the file contains S01E01 but no tvshow.nfo then it won't be detected as 'TV show'.

For the Home movies issue can you please post the filename of one of your home movies so we can test it here?

02-07-2017, 11:04 AM

Please see the attached selection.





02-07-2017, 11:14 AM
While you are at it, could you please advise the following.

My next test will be to set up my home movies as follows.


- Holidays
- 2001
- 2002

- Kids
- 2010
- 2011

How would you set this up?
In which field would you enter 'Kids' and 'Holidays'?
If your answer is in a keyword, I haven't managed to get any keywords into my Mezzmo database (other than manually against each file). How do you do it?
If you need examples of what I've done, I'll send them tomorrow.

See the bottom of my post #3 earlier.

02-07-2017, 02:01 PM
I tested some file names the same as yours here and they get the Home Movie category assigned. Please make sure in Metadata Retrieval Settings that you have 'Get text metadata from file path' checked as this is required for determining if the file is a home movie.

To create the structure you want in a playlist you could use the Keyword field followed by the Year. You would need to populate the Keyword field by going to the properties of the file and entering 'Holidays' or 'Kids' in the Keyword.

02-08-2017, 09:20 AM

<title>Episode 2</title>
<showtitle>The All New Alexei Sayle Show</showtitle>
<name>Angus Deighton</name>

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but is there a tutorial anywhere on how to create these .nfo files? What is the correct naming for files and what fields can be used for TV Shows and Films? I've been Googling like mad and come up empty so far.


02-08-2017, 10:20 AM
we don't currently have any documentation on the internal structure of the nfo files but we do have some information on file naming http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_external_metadata_files&s[]=nfo. We also have a patch which allows exporting metadata from Mezzmo to nfo files to make it easier to create them so if you would like to try the patch please send an email to support [at] conceiva [dot] com.

02-08-2017, 11:02 AM
Hi Peter,

Thank you. Ticking 'Get text data from file path' really does work! This is different to the conditions for the TV Show category and, as far as I can see, appears to be undocumented.

Absence of any automation of the Keyword field also seems to be undocumented. I will document them!


02-08-2017, 11:23 AM
Hi martyd,

No problems with hijacking.

I'm learning as I go. Just organise a small test database and play. A few samples are provided below.

nfo files are very-much free-format, and may include or exclude almost anything. No validation - they work or they don't. Parameter names are specified inside <> and ending with </>. The parameter values are between the two. Use any text editor to create and edit them.

I can't remember how I got them, but I think that a lot come from a very good piece of free software called Tiny Media Manager (TMM).

I think the first two are from TMM, but you get a lot of 'false positives' so I've stopped using it. My later examples are what I'm working towards.

The filenames of the nfo file must be identical to the movie name, but with a file type of nfo. You'll find that TMM generates other file types containing graphics etc.

Also, for TV series a file called tvshow.nfo in each folder is almost mandatory.

Sample TV episode (not guaranteed to work - see my sample below)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- created on 2015-12-01 17:01:19 - tinyMediaManager 2.6.9 -->
<series>Alexei Sayle Series 2</series>
<title>Episode 1</title>
<studio>BBC Two</studio>
<name>Angus Deighton</name>

Sample tvshow.nfo

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- created on 2015-12-01 17:01:19 - tinyMediaManager 2.6.9 -->

A current minimal movie nfo of mine (work in progress but seems ok)

Angus Deighton

A current minimal tvshow.nfo of mine (work in progress but seems ok)

<name>.ALEXEI SAYLE</name>

See my next post.

Good luck

02-08-2017, 11:37 AM
The following intends to provide useful tips in populating metadata in Mezzmo. It is incomplete, but cannot be continued at the moment. VERSION 7 - 22 Feb 2017 at 12.00 GMT (FINAL FINAL VERSION FOR NOW)


1. When I first got Mezzmo I blasted it with imported metadata - artwork, plots, 20 actors per film etc!? I never read most of this, and it just got in the way. For the sake of visibility I would now only populate nfo files with basic fields for navigation until the whole system was working. Then maybe introduce plot, and 20 actors per film(?) etc. But I won't be doing that.

2. During the development of this document I found the need for a 'free variable' field which I could populate and use for my own purposes (e.g. to hold the folder name). I decded that I wasn't interested in Production Company (which derives from <studio> in nfo files, so I started to use that as my 'free variable', often in the Keyword Hierarchy. Hence some random references to these fields.

I've been struggling with a complete, comprehensive, user-friendly menu system for my media for at least 2 years, and I've decided to do something about it.

I'm doing comprehensive tests for my own benefit and that of other users.

My prime objective has been to reproduce the structure of all my movies as in my Windows folders, but to be able to introduce an 'Unwatched' filter. So these notes are solely about movies.

It is a complex topic, and finding clues is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I've decided to put them all into one haystack - here. Please chuck yours in.

Useful Software

To get real control of your metadata I recommend the following software (I have no connections with any of them).

To get lots of metadata - Tiny Media Manager
To do bulk changes to files names - Bulk Rename Utility
To see what data is inside your movie files - Mediainfo
To edit lots of metadata, in nfo files, quickly - TextCrawler

Structure of the Movie Folders
Each folder which contains movies must have a type which represents where the movies will appear in the online menu list. This is because movies in these categories are usually displayed in different sequences with different information ("major subcategories").

When I'm planning to watch a movie I usually decide whether I want to watch one of a particulat genre, one which stars a given lead actor, or one made by a given producer. So my recommended types are:

- Home Movies
- Movies By Genre
- Movies By Star (covering actors and producers)
- TV Series

The contents of each folder must include a mechanism to populate the Category field on every movie in the folder with one of Home Movie, Movie, or TV Show.

In addition, each movie in each Category must contain a mechanism to populate the major Subcategory.

Examples of Major Subcategories are:

- Home Movies - Holidays, Away Days, Andrew, Beatrice.
- Movies by Genre - Comedy, Crime, Thriller
- Movies By Star - Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood, Alfred Hitchcock, or Steven Spielburg.
- TV Series - Comedy, Sport, Travel Then have main keys of, say, Allo Allo, Blackadder

Naming Movie Files

The naming of movie files is an important first step and is covered at this link.

http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_filenames#tv_shows (www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_filenames#tv_shows)

It is common to include the Season and Episode in filenames of TV Series (e.g. S1E3). These are used in harvesting metadata off the internet. If the movie doesn't have an assoicated nfo file they are also used in populating the Keyword Hierarchy, and therefore used in the display of the playlist. However, if the movie has an nfo file containing these fields, those values take precedence for use in the playlist.

See below for more details about filenames.

Setting Your Metadata Controls

For the purposes of this article you should set the following flags 'on' in Metadata Retrieval Settings

- Get text metadata from the file path. This is particularly important for the setting of Home movie.
- Get text metadata and artwork from XBMC (.nfo/tbn files).

TV Series - Recommended Minimum Metadata in the File Path and nfo files

A single parent folder holding all TV series and shows in subfolders - Used in the filter of the playlists
Each folder which contains episodes of a TV series only contains movies from a single Season and does not contain any movies which are not part of the series.
Each folder which contains episodes of a TV series should simply be called Season nn. Deviation from this introduces various effects which I have not covered.
Each folder which contains episodes of a TV series also contains a file called tvshow.nfo. See next.
The tvshow.nfo file contains a <tvshow> parameter - Ensures that the Category, on the Mezzmo database, is generated as TV Show, and is used in the filter.
The tvshow.nfo file contains a <studio> parameter - Provides the main key to the list of series as presented to the user if using my recommended Keyword Hierarchy..
Each movie filename includes the Season and Episode in the form SxxExx - Populates the Disc/Season for use in the Keyword Hierarchy


TV Shows (Not Series) - Recommended Minimum Metadata in the File Path and nfo files

Each folder which contains TV shows only contains movies from shows and not episodes of a series.
Each folder which contains TV shows also contains a file called tvshow.nfo. See later, but this should include <tvshow>, <title>, <genre>, and <studio>.
The tvshow.nfo file contains a <tvshow> parameter - Ensures that the Category, on the Mezzmo database, is generated as TV Show, and is used in the filter.
The tvshow.nfo file contains a <studio> parameter - Provides the main key to the list of series as presented to the user if using my recommended Keyword Hierarchy. The <studio> should be the prime key to the program for display to the user. It will normally be equal to the folder name in which it resides, but if that folder simply contains a season's episodes, then it will be equal to the parent folder.


The Importance of the Category Field

The first thing to do is to ensure that every movie has an entry in the Category field. Checking this field will normally be the first action in the playlist filter. The field's population is described in the sections below.

The Importance of the Keyword Hierarchy

In order for any Active Playlist to work, each movie's Mezzmo database record must contain non-blank values in each of the fields quoted in the Keyword Hierarchy. Many of these can easily be generated by including them in nfo files. Unfortunately, the Keyword field cannot be populated in this way, and requires visiting each database record individually to populate it.

1 Home Movies
See the existing documentation- below - for these, but note that these require the 'Get text data from the file path' option to be ticked in Metadata Retieval Settings
http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_filenames#tv_shows (www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=supported_filenames#tv_shows)

1.2 Populating the Category (and other fields)

Control of metadata in Home Movie folders can be controlled at the movie.nfo level or by use of a tvshow.nfo file. These are mutually exclusive - data from movie.nfo files cannot replace or supplement data from the tvshow.nfo file.

The Category of all movies in a folder can be set to "Home movie" by creating a tvshow.nfo file in the folder, and setting its major parameter to <homemovie>. This also succeeds in populating some (all?) other fields from the tvshow.nfo file. Note that presence of the tvshow.nfo file causes Mezzmo to ignore any individual movie nfo files.

Individual movie nfo files can also be used to populate the movie's Category with "Home movie". This is achieved by having a movie nfo file containing the major parameter <homemovie> and ensuring that the radio button "Get text data and artwork from XBMC (.nfo and .tbn) files) is set. This also succeeds in populating some (all?) other fields from the nfo file.

E.g. The following contents of a movie.nfo file or the tvshow.nfo file populates fields in the relevant movies as indicated:

<homemovie> sets Category to Home movie
<genre>GEN</genre> sets Genre to GEN
<actor>ACT</actor> sets Actor to ACT
<studio>STUD</studio> sets Production Company to STUD

As I write (8/2/17) ...
Movie filenames in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, optionally followed by a text string, assign a Category of Home movie if the year begins with '20'. Movies prior to 2000 don't.

No other filename format - which also includes a text string - receives a Category of Home movie.

Movie filenames in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS - without a text string - assign a Category of Home movie if the year begins with '20'.
Movie filenames in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS - with a text string don't assign a Category.
Some files in the format 'nnn nnnn' lose the digits after the space.

1.3 Populating the Subcategory

Create an nfo file for the movie (giving it exactly the same name as the movie except for the file type).
Enter the Subcategory in the Genre field in the nfo file. It must also have a <movie> parameter.

<genre>Away Days</genre>

Make Genre part of the Keyword Hierarchy.

1.4 The Playlist

Smart Filter
Category contains "Home"
Play Count contains "0" (optional to select unwatched movies)

Keyword Hierachy

2 Movies By Genre

You need an nfo file for each movie, containing the <movie>, <genre> and <actor> parameters as follows:

2.1 Populating the Category

The presence of the <movie> parameter causes Mezzmo to allocate a Category of "Movie".

2.2 Populating the Subcategory

The Actor field is used to hold the Subcategory. So add an Actor called "By Genre" into each movie's nfo file.
Movies are segregated by Genre within the Subcategory.

2.3 Sample nfo file

<actor>By Genre</actor>

2.4 The Smart Filter and the Keyword Hierarchy in the Playlist

Smart Filter
Category contains "Movie"
Category does not contain "Home"
Artists/Actors contains "By Genre"
Play Count contains "0" (optional to select unwatched movies)

Keyword Hierachy

3 Movies By Star

Details are as for Movies By Genre but using the words "By Star" in place of "By Genre" and by entering the Star's name in the <genre> parameter.

4. TV Series

It is highly recommended that every folder which contains episodes of a TV series should contain a record with the name of tvshow.nfo

It is also recommended that the filename of every file which contains an episode of a TV series should include the Series and Episode in the format SnnEnn. The number of digits - nn - doesn't matter, but there should not be a space in the middle of the string - such as S01 E01. THIS SEEMS INCONSISTENT. MIGHT BE WRONG. Season and Episode are sometimes generated within the movie's nfo file, and take precedence over those from the filename. These are only valid if purely numeric (e.g. Not "Season 1"). They are a possible source of confusion and should be removed.

Nothe that, if Show/Season is specified in the Keyword Hierarchy, then it is displayed to the user as "Season nn".

E.g. Blackadder S1E1.mp4

4.1 Storing The Movies

There are two possible ways of storing your TV Series movies, as in the following examples:

- Blackadder
- Series 1
- s1e1.mp4
- s1e2.mp4
- tvshow.nfo
- Series 2
- s2e1.mp4
- s2e2.mp4
- tvshow.nfo


- Blackadder
- s1e1.mp4
- s1e2.mp4
- s2e1.mp4
- s2e2.mp4
- tvshow.nfo

Each of these is equally valid, but each folder must contain a tvshow.nfo file.

4.2 Populating the Category

(Version The population of TV Show in the Category, during import or Maintain Playlist, if:

- The 'Get text metadata from nfo files' option is ticked in Maintain Metadata. (It is not affected by the setting of the 'Get data from internet' option).
- One of the following conditions applies

The movie gets a Category of TV Show if:

(a) Irrespective of the movie's file name, it has an associated nfo file containing an internal overriding parameter of <episodedetails>.

e.g. must have header and trailer like this
<title>Episode 2</title>
<showtitle>The All New Alexei Sayle Show</showtitle>
<name>Angus Deighton</name>

The movie also gets a Category of TV Show if:

(b) It has no associated nfo file but its filename contains a Season and Episode in the format SxxExx, and its folder contains a tvshow.nfo file.

The movie does NOT get a Category of TV Show if:

(c) It has no associated nfo file containing the overriding <episodedetails> parameter, and there is no tvshow.nfo file in the folder.

So each TV Series folder must contain a tvshow.nfo or each movie must have its own nfo file.
In Maintain Playlists my Keyword Hierarchy consists of Actor, Series, Season. Individual movies are distinguished by their Episode.
So, with my Keyword Hierarchy, Actor, Series, Season and Episode must all be non-blank on every movie on the database. Otherwise, the movie won't appear in the playlist.

4.3 The 'nfo file' (e.g.Blackadder S1E1.nfo)

The <episodedetails>. This should be the overriding parameter within this file.

<title>. The file may contain a <title>. This is moved into Title and Sort Title on the database, and may then appear in the Display Title. In the absence of an nfo record the movie filename goes into Title and Sort Title

<season> and <episode> in the nfo file are very important. These fields may also appear in the movie's filename. If present in the nfo file, these populate the Season and Episode in the database and so take precedence for use in the Keyword Hierarchy of the playlist. Otherwise those from the filename are used to populate the Season and Episode in the database, and therefore the Keyword Hierarchy.

<season> and <episode> must contain digits only. Presence of alpha characters will make them invalid for use in the Keyword Hierarchy. So the movie won't appear.

Actors from the nfo file go into Actor on the database and are of equal standing to those off the tvshow record. See more under tvshow.nfo.

Example of a minimum nfo file.


4.4 The tvshow.nfo file

It is recommended to have a file called tvshow.nfo in every folder which contains episodes of a TV series.
This record is important to cause the Category of each movie on the database to be set to TV Show and to supply the Series Title etc.

<tvshow>. It is important to have an overriding parameter of <tvshow> to cause the Category of each movie on the database to be set to TV Show.

<title> The field in this parameter populates the Series on the database, and subsequently may appear in Album/Series in the Keyword Hierarchy. I encountered a bug when I mistakenly had <title> and <studio> both specified in tvshow.nfo. This resulted in duplcate files appearing in playlists, even though the Title wasn't mentioned in the filter or the Keyword Hierarchy.

<genre> should be specified on this record if it is part of your Keyword Hierarchy.

<year> etc. Any other components which you may have specified in your Keyword Hierarchy, and which refer to the Show or Series - rather than an Episode - should be specified in the tvshow file. e.g. <year>

<actor>. The contents of any Actor(s) or Name(s) parameter goes into the Actor field on every movie. From there it is treated as Artists/Actors and Album Artist in the keyword Hierarchy, which subsequently controls where it appears in the Mezzmo user interface for the playlist. Actors and Names may also be specified in movies' nfo files. These are treated identically to those in the tvshow file. I specify Actors in the tvshow file in capitals preceded by a . (period). This makes them appear at the start of the playlist and appear emphasised. Actors who make guest appearances in individual episodes can be entered in normal font in the episode's nfo file, without the period, and appear lower in the list.


<studio>{TV Show Name such as "Blackadder"}</studio> Goes into Production Company on database, and then Production Company in Keyword Hierarchy

4.5 The Playlist

Smart Filter
File Type "Video" (Mezzmo puts this in automatically)
Category contains "TV Show"
Play Count contains "0" (optional to select unwatched movies)

Keyword Hierachy

02-08-2017, 11:59 AM
Thanks for this information, we will add this to the wiki.

02-08-2017, 01:46 PM
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the info. I've sent an email as you suggested.

02-08-2017, 01:51 PM
Thanks SolihullRog. Great info. I'll have a potter about and see what happens. I've also emailed Support for the Export Metadata patch which should also be helpful.