View Full Version : play 2 files as one movie

02-21-2017, 02:44 AM

I have one movie that is split in 2 files - how can i tell Mezzmo to treat them as one movie?

02-21-2017, 08:56 AM
Depending upon the format of the files you could create a gapless file in Mezzmo, gapless is supported for .vob and .mpeg files. See http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=streaming_gapless_music&s[]=multi for more information, it refers to music but you can use this for .vob and .mpeg files also.

02-21-2017, 09:24 AM
For many file formats I use TSMUXER (http://www.videohelp.com/software/tsMuxeR) to combine the files into a single file. Examples are long movies are across two source DVDs.

02-21-2017, 08:40 PM
Ok, thanks.
I saw the "Create Gapeless Multi-file from selection" in the right click menu but it was disabled and i wondered how it works. The files are mkv, so i guess this is why the option is disabled.
I will give a try to TSMUXER as suggested, but of course if it is added in the future versions of Mezzmo it would be great.

02-24-2017, 07:50 PM
What I do with movies that are split into multiple files is simple but effective. I place the files into their own folder. Name the files like, "moviexyz (1) (2015).mkv", "moviexyz (2) (2015).mkv". When I play the movie, I use "c" from the kodi menu, and that instructs the player to play all files from that file forward. That way, the first file plays, and the second file starts immediately following the end of the first one.