View Full Version : Smart PlayLists and Smart Tv's

03-07-2017, 03:24 PM
I like the idea of smart playlists but they don't work when browsing video content served up by Mezzmo on my smart Tv's. i.e the playlists simply to do not appear on the tv.

I would like a "Smart Folder", which Mezzmo would present just like a normal media folder.

I would also like the smart folder to include a optional filter to show only media added to the library in the last n days?

At the moment the concept of a "recent list" which shows the "last n files added" is only

03-07-2017, 04:38 PM
possibly the TV is browsing directly to the Video playlist in which case you will need to add your Smart Playlist under the Video playlist.

It is not currently possible to list files only added in a certain time period, you can sort files by date added so that you can see the most recently added but these could be from a week ago.