View Full Version : help getting mezzmo android to access server over internet

11-27-2019, 03:11 AM
hi there,

i've now switched from ios to android and would like to access my mezzmo server at home over a external wifi but have problems doing so. i've opened the remote access port on my router and i can reach mezzmo over my browser with help of a dynamic url which my router provides for me. unfortunately i cannot enter the dynamic url in the mezzmo app, it looks like only ip number are allowed. then i've tried the method i've read here. pin the server while on your home network and then check remote access. all i've got was a error browsing -1 or a ever spinning loading screen. how does mezzmo know the external ip for my internet connected pc? what am i missing? help!


11-27-2019, 09:03 AM
please try the steps at http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=mezzmo_android_remote_access

11-27-2019, 08:51 PM
hi peter,

thanks but that are all the steps i already tried. all i ever get is a error browsing: -1. i've tried entering my remote ip in the server list in the android app but it won't accept it. if i try http://my.remote.ip.address:53168/desc in a browser i get a http error 403. funny enough if i enter http://my.remote.ip.address:53168/web/login?user=Admin i can freely browse my mezzmo server without problems - so it doesn't seem to be a port forwarding issue. but i really would like to use the app instead of the web access interface.

11-28-2019, 09:22 AM
The server shouldn't be returning a 403 when requesting the description document unless you have unchecked the box in 'Media Devices' to allow new devices to connect to the server. Please check if this is the case.

11-28-2019, 01:24 PM
thx peter. that was the culprit! i can now use my dynamic ip without problems!!! btw is there any way to download a file from the mezzmo server via the mezzmo android app for offline use while i.e. flying? anyway, thanks again!

11-29-2019, 09:02 AM
You could try turning off the internal video player so that the app will prompt you to select an app to play a video file then select a file manager app to handle the file so that it downloads it.