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Thread: Mezzmo Kodi Addon Update

  1. #271
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.2) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.2) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
    bug fix introduced in the last releases which impacted saving bookmarks / resume
    points and a new feature which will make it easier t manage UPnP server which are
    no longer responding or have been removed from your network.

    *** Important Note ***

    Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
    releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
    to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
    automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
    the next release.

    v1.1.7.2 Kodi 18

    • Fixed bug introduced in v1.1.7.1 causing playcounts and bookmarks to not
    always update properly during playback or when reaching the end of the file.
    • Added user option to allow removing a UPnP server from known server list
    if it is no longer responding.

    v2.1.7.2 Kodi 19+

    • Fixed bug introduced in v2.1.7.1 causing playcounts and bookmarks to not
    always update properly during playback or when reaching the end of the file.
    • Added user option to allow removing a UPnP server from known server list
    if it is no longer responding.

    If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
    are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
    use the links below for manual installation.

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.2 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Note that some new updates have been added to the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki including:

    • How to easily manage Kodi upgrades with Mezzmo
    Managing your storage including easily adding capacity, replacing hard drives etc..
    • Easily moving library media between drives, paths and storage without rescraping media or SQL tools.
    • A new Mezzmo stress test streaming 4K and 1080P videos to 6 Kodi clients at over 300mbps

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
    the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest

  2. #272
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Welcome to 2023 and I hope everyone had a Happy New Year

    Looking back over 2022 the Mezzmo Kodi addon had 31 software releases adding a significant amount of functionality and addressing a number of bug fixes. The complete set of release notes can be found here. For 2023 I am planning fewer releases, since much of the 2022 development was targeted at getting Kodi native mode functionality as close to being on par as possible with GUI mode operation. I've started planning the 2023 development and have added the Q1 targets to the Proposed New Features page. The next release will likely not be until sometime towards mid to late February because I will be on vacation for a bit in mid-January.

    Here are my current plans for feature timing:

    Q1 2023

    • Full Kodi 21 Nexus support
    • Standardize the context menus look and feel for individual library items between native mode and GUI mode operation.
    Fast Sync - The fast sync proposal would reduce the new content and bookmark / resume pointer sync time for Kodi native mode to 60 seconds or less.
    Mezzmo Movie Set - Mezzmo and the Mezzmo Kodi addon already fully support movie sets automatically but this proposal adds a content menu item for movie sets (if the current movie you select or position on is part of a movie set) and then if you click on Mezzmo Movie Set all of the movies in the set will be quickly displayed.
    Mezzmo Movie Versions - Movie versions are where you want to have multiple versions of the same movie but the versions are unique but grouped. Examples could be different formats (i.e. 1090P, 4K, etc), different cuts (i.e. theatrical, director's etc..) or different years / versions of the same movie. Other UPnP and non-UPnP solutions often require complicated naming or file layout structures. The Mezzmo proposed solution would simply need a Mezzmo keyword like ##version or similar added to the movies. Using keywords / Kodi tags would avoid having to rename files, create special file structure layouts or similar.

    Q2 2023

    • Begin exploring syncing the Mezzmo music library with Kodi. This will likely be a series of releases, each adding functionality and may stretch into Q3. My current thinking is to only leverage a background sync process and not provide a real time browsing sync with the Kodi database. This will greatly simplify things and speed up development. There are a number of differences in the current Kodi music database structure vs. the video database which will need to be sorted out and functionality decisions made (i.e. bookmark / resume points only available for audiobooks, duplicate detection may not be possible or significantly reduced and similar). More to come as this feature gets closer.

    Q3 and Q4 planning will be based upon new feature requests, Kodi development (especially potential upcoming changes in the music database) and dependent upon how the Q1 and Q2 planned development progresses.

    Feedback and suggestions are welcome.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest

  3. #273
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.3) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.3) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
    bug fix and some new features, including a new feature called Movieset Quick
    , which allows you quick access to all movies in a set. For GUI
    mode users you will notice a slight change in the movie context menu. A
    new option called Mezzmo has been added and things like Mezzmo Mark
    Watched/Unwatched have been moved there. This is to allow for upcoming
    features and to standardize the context menus between GUI and Native modes.

    *** Important Note ***

    Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
    releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
    to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
    automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
    the next release.

    v1.1.7.3 Kodi 18

    • Fixed longstanding issue where Kodi Native Mode InProgress functionality did
    not work for TV Shows due to Kodi and Mezzmo treating not watched episodes
    differently (playcount zero vs. NULL).
    • Standardized video library context menus between Native and GUI modes in
    preparation to add functionality in upcoming releases without exceeding
    the Kodi context menu limits and improving usability.
    • Added Mezzmo clear bookmark context menu functionality in GUI mode.
    • Changed native mode Mezzmo searches so that a return or GoUp click will
    return back to where the search was launched from vs. the GUI mode server
    • Added Movieset Quick Access context menu feature to allow quick access to
    all movies in a set. This context menu addition works in both GUI and
    Native modes.

    v2.1.7.3 Kodi 19+

    • Fixed longstanding issue where Kodi Native Mode InProgress functionality did
    not work for TV Shows due to Kodi and Mezzmo treating not watched episodes
    differently (playcount zero vs. NULL).
    • Standardized video library context menus between Native and GUI modes in
    preparation to add functionality in upcoming releases without exceeding
    the Kodi context menu limits and improving usability.
    • Added Mezzmo clear bookmark context menu functionality in GUI mode.
    • Changed native mode Mezzmo searches so that a return or GoUp click will
    return back to where the search was launched from vs. the GUI mode server
    • Added Movieset Quick Access context menu feature to allow quick access to
    all movies in a set. This context menu addition works in both GUI and
    Native modes.

    If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
    are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
    use the links below for manual installation.

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.3 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
    the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest

  4. #274
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.4) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.4) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
    new feature called Mezzmo Movie Collection which allows quick access to movie
    collections versions or any user defined grouping.

    *** Important Note ***

    Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
    releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
    to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
    automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
    the next release.

    v1.1.7.4 Kodi 18

    • Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support which now allows for context menu quick
    access to movie collections. Movie collections can be different versions,
    releases, formats or any other movie collection grouping you wish to define.

    v2.1.7.4 Kodi 19+

    • Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support which now allows for context menu quick
    access to movie collections. Movie collections can be different versions,
    releases, formats or any other movie collection grouping you wish to define.

    If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
    are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
    use the links below for manual installation.

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.4 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
    the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest

  5. #275
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.5) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.5) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
    bug fix and an extension of the Mezzmo Movie Collection feature to support
    music videos.

    *** Important Note ***

    Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
    releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
    to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
    automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
    the next release.

    v1.1.7.5 Kodi 18

    • Fixed obscure bug introduced in v1.1.7.4 which could cause exception error for
    native mode music videos Mezzmo context menus
    • Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support for music videos

    v2.1.7.5 Kodi 19+

    • Fixed obscure bug introduced in v2.1.7.4 which could cause exception error for
    native mode music videos Mezzmo context menus
    • Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support for music videos

    If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
    are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
    use the links below for manual installation.

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.5 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
    the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest

  6. #276
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.6) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.6) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
    major new feature called Mezzmo Keywords which allows quick access to Mezzmo
    library content with keywords from the Mezzmo Kodi context menu. You no
    longer need to create Smart Playlists for situations where you are using them
    just to filter on specific Mezzmo Keywords / Kodi tags. Like most features in
    the Mezzmo Kodi addon the Mezzmo Keywords feature is automatic once you
    add keywords to your library content.

    *** Important Note ***

    Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
    releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
    to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
    automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
    the next release.

    v1.1.7.6 Kodi 18

    • Added Mezzmo Keywords feature which allows quick access to movies and music
    videos with keywords via the Mezzmo context menu in both native and GUI modes.
    • Added confirmation dialogs for clearing bookmarks and setting / clearing
    watched status to avoid accidental changes.

    v2.1.7.6 Kodi 19+

    • Added Mezzmo Keywords feature which allows quick access to movies and music
    videos with keywords via the Mezzmo context menu in both native and GUI modes.
    • Added confirmation dialogs for clearing bookmarks and setting / clearing
    watched status to avoid accidental changes.

    If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
    are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
    use the links below for manual installation.

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.6 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
    the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest

  7. #277
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.7) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.7) have been posted on GitHub. These versions enhance the
    new Mezzmo Keywords feature allowing keyword-by-keyword control of syncing
    to Kodi tags (nosync) and visibility in the Mezzmo Keywords context menu (noview).
    See the Mezzmo Keywords naming Wiki page for complete details and examples.

    *** Important Note ***

    Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
    releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
    to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
    automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
    the next release.

    v1.1.7.7 Kodi 18

    • Updated Mezzmo Keywords feature to allow keyword-by-keyword control of syncing
    to Kodi tags (nosync) and visibility in the Mezzmo Keywords context menu (noview).

    v2.1.7.7 Kodi 19+

    • Updated Mezzmo Keywords feature to allow keyword-by-keyword control of syncing
    to Kodi tags (nosync) and visibility in the Mezzmo Keywords context menu (noview).

    If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
    are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
    use the links below for manual installation.

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.7 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
    the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
    Last edited by jbinkley60; 02-08-2023 at 08:48 PM.

  8. #278
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.8) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.8) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a minor
    bug fix for syncing Mezzmo episode keywords to Kodi TV Show tags and add some
    improvements for handling Mezzmo Movie Collections. Collections can contain a
    mix of movies, TV episodes and music videos.

    *** Important Note ***

    Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
    releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
    to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
    automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
    the next release.

    v1.1.7.8 Kodi 18

    • Fixed minor bug which caused Mezzmo keywords not to sync to Kodi for TV Shows
    • Changed Mezzmo Movie Collection tracking to add support for TV Episodes. Now
    you can have collections with a mix of movies, TV episodes and music videos.
    • Mezzmo keyword syncing to Kodi tags no longer required for native mode Mezzmo
    Movie Collection operation.
    • Eliminated syncing of Mezzmo Movie collection keywords to Kodi tags.
    • Added Keywords and Collection tables to addon data export option

    v2.1.7.8 Kodi 19+

    • Fixed minor bug which caused Mezzmo keywords not to sync to Kodi for TV Shows
    • Changed Mezzmo Movie Collection tracking to add support for TV Episodes. Now
    you can have collections with a mix of movies, TV episodes and music videos.
    • Mezzmo keyword syncing to Kodi tags no longer required for native mode Mezzmo
    Movie Collection operation.
    • Eliminated syncing of Mezzmo Movie collection keywords to Kodi tags.
    • Added Keywords and Collection tables to addon data export option

    If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
    are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
    use the links below for manual installation.

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.8 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
    the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



    Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest

  9. #279
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Mark watched / unwatched


    Updated to the latest version. I noticed the change made for marking items watched or unwatched. For me it's not working out so well. It's adding two steps to the process.

    First, to get to the option, and now the "are you sure?" Dialogue. This is especially annoying when I want to mark a watched season unwatched so I can have keep track of the last episode I've watched.

    I understand the reason for doing this, but when using a remote, this is cumbersome.

    Just a suggestion, but could it be altered to having the option to mark it watched or unwatched without a the confirmation dialog?

    I don't know if this can be done, but an option to mark an entire season as unwatched would be great!

    Thanks for your time, and your work on the add-on.

    Mezzmo - Mezzmo Kodi Matrix Plugin
    Nvidia Shield 2017
    Windows 10 - Intel 6 core i5 - 24GB Ram - 129TB Storage

  10. #280
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by RonB View Post

    Updated to the latest version. I noticed the change made for marking items watched or unwatched. For me it's not working out so well. It's adding two steps to the process.

    First, to get to the option, and now the "are you sure?" Dialogue. This is especially annoying when I want to mark a watched season unwatched so I can have keep track of the last episode I've watched.

    I understand the reason for doing this, but when using a remote, this is cumbersome.

    Just a suggestion, but could it be altered to having the option to mark it watched or unwatched without a the confirmation dialog?

    I don't know if this can be done, but an option to mark an entire season as unwatched would be great!

    Thanks for your time, and your work on the add-on.



    Good to hear from you again. I was thinking about you with the mark watched / unwatched changes. I can add an option setting to the addon to turn on / off the confirmation dialogs. That would be an easy change. I'd prefer not to move this back a level to the main context menu (out from under Mezzmo) to simplify things between GUI and native modes and to avoid the context menus getting any bigger. I hope an extra submenu isn't too bad. If it is I'll consider moving it back the way it was. If you want to see what it would look like the confirmation dialogs you can go back one version to which doesn't have them but retains the submenu. Can you try this out and let me know if it is still too cumbersome ?

    I think I can add the ability to mark an entire season as watched / unwatched but it will likely be with some limitations. I'll certainly give it some thought. If possible, it would likely be something along the lines of setting all items in the the current playlist you are positioned on as watched or unwatched.

    Can you tell me more about how you organize your TV series on your hard drive ? For instance is every season in its own folder or part of a larger folder which contains all episodes in a TV series ? If more than one season is in the same folder I could try to match on the series name and season while I iterate through all of the episodes.


    Last edited by jbinkley60; 02-15-2023 at 08:30 PM.

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