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Thread: Mezzmo Kodi Addon Update

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Mezzmo Kodi Addon Update

    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon has been posted on GitHub. This version adds the following enhancements:

    • Actor / actress thumbnail display on video information panel
    • Display all movies associated with an actor / actress with direct selection play
    • Ability to disable Kodi image caching allowing quicker Mezzmo updates

    The update has been posted to the GitHub Mezzmo addon area. Click on the download source as a zip option
    and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option..

    Please read the release notes. This update does interact with the Kodi database to add some of the functionality.

    Upon installation the version number should read v1.0.6.4 .

    I welcome feedback and questions. Please post to this thread.
    Last edited by jbinkley60; 04-17-2020 at 09:50 AM.

  2. #2


    I installed version on two of my Vero4K+ Kodi boxes and have enjoyed having the actor info readily at hand in the movie data. Installation went smoothly with no issues. I used the feature to clear out the Kodi data base and it worked flawlessly. I great update to the addin!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon has been posted on GitHub. This version,, contains a bug fix:

    • Fixed issue with quotes and double quotes in actors / actresses names not inserting into Kodi DB. A clear Kodi DB
    function is needed to learn the missing actors / actresses.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon has been posted on GitHub. This version,, contains a couple of user enhancements:

    • Changed clear Kodi DB setting so that once it executes it changes the setting automatically to disabled. It will only run once
    now if you forget to manually disable the setting.
    • User setting for caching of Mezzmo images now clears cached Mezzmo images when you browse or search a playlist vs. when
    Mezzmo addon starts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon has been posted on GitHub. This version,, contains a couple of minor fixes:

    • Resolved issue where actor insertion into Kodi DB would fail if existing movie name was changed in Mezzmo.
    • Fixed minor Kodi debugging log message failures with non-ASCII characters

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon has been posted on GitHub. This version,, contains a feature enhancement:

    • Supports Mezzmo 6.0.4 functionality to detect duration changes to videos, as
    well as video codec changes for reripping and similar situations.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Hi Jeff thank you, I followed the above procedures and all is well, new version installed properly with no errors. Thanks for your continued support.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by MrQNet View Post
    Hi Jeff thank you, I followed the above procedures and all is well, new version installed properly with no errors. Thanks for your continued support.

    Thanks for confirming Ian. I'll publish an official version soon which will have this fix rolled into it.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.4.2) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.4.2) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a few
    minor fixes and a major update to the performance reporting and logging sections.
    Performance and logging had grown incrementally and needed improvements in
    speed, stability and user friendliness. I hope you like the changes.

    v1.1.4.2 Kodi 18

    • Additional fixes to detect improper Kodi settings causing exception errors
    in sync process.
    • Changed default setting for syncing Mezzmo TV episodes to the Kodi database
    from disabled to enabled.
    • Added GUI confirmation when clearing the Kodi DB via the addon settings.
    This will avoid accidental clearing of Mezzmo data in the Kodi database.
    • Fixed performance logging sometimes recording the selected item instead of
    the playlist name during folder refreshes, utilizing the Mezzmo mark
    watched / unwatched function and other similar activities.
    • Added menu option to clear performance logs.
    • Fixed addon fanart not displaying due to improper file location pointer.
    • Fixed Kodi.log message " has left several classes in memory
    that we couldn't clean up." when running on LibreElec.
    • Added GUI notification if the Mezzmo server stops responding while browsing
    • Improved the speed, stability and user friendliness of the Logs & Stats

    v2.1.4.2 Kodi 19+

    • Additional fixes to detect improper Kodi settings causing exception errors
    in sync process.
    • Changed default setting for syncing Mezzmo TV episodes to the Kodi database
    from disabled to enabled.
    • Added GUI confirmation when clearing the Kodi DB via the addon settings.
    This will avoid accidental clearing of Mezzmo data in the Kodi database.
    • Fixed performance logging sometimes recording the selected item instead of
    the playlist name during folder refreshes, utilizing the Mezzmo mark
    watched / unwatched function and other similar activities.
    • Added menu option to clear performance logs.
    • Fixed addon fanart not displaying due to improper file location pointer.
    • Fixed Kodi.log message " has left several classes in memory
    that we couldn't clean up." when running on LibreElec.
    • Added GUI notification if the Mezzmo server stops responding while browsing
    • Improved the speed, stability and user friendliness of the Logs & Stats

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.4.2 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use the
    addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.

    Last edited by jbinkley60; 01-10-2022 at 06:01 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.4.3) and
    Kodi v19+ (v2.1.4.3) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a few
    enhancements to continue improving user friendliness.

    v1.1.4.3 Kodi 18

    • Added Mezzmo server timeout setting and reorganized all timer settings
    into a common tab.
    • Added prior search history for quick repeat searches with user defined
    setting for number of prior searches to display.
    • Added GUI notification if the Mezzmo server stops responding while
    performing searches.
    • Added GUI notification if a uPNP server stops responding during addon

    v2.1.4.2 Kodi 19+

    • Added Mezzmo server timeout setting and reorganized all timer settings
    into a common tab.
    • Added prior search history for quick repeat searches with user defined
    setting for number of prior searches to display.
    • Added GUI notification if the Mezzmo server stops responding while
    performing searches.
    • Added GUI notification if a uPNP server stops responding during addon

    There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
    latest Kodi 18 v1.1.4.3 code.

    Kodi 18 link

    Kodi 19+ link

    Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

    Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use the
    addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.


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