So I've had a Panasonic Viera TV for many years and apart from a few profile tweaks by the support guys, and periodic sulking for not clicking on the anti-virus updates it has just worked. But...

A while ago it stopped connecting to any Mezzmo instances - Mezzmo itself works quite nicely with other devices, but the Panny just says connection to server failed. Mezzmo itself sees the connection attempts (I've removed it from the list of devices and watched it get added back) so I don't think Mezzmo is at fault here.

Curiously, the TV continues to show the Mezzmo servers even when they're off. If I create a new Mezzmo server, the TV refuses to see it. Other devices can of course see any other media server just fine.

The only way I could get the TV to not show the Mezzmo servers was to plug it into a test network I have. But the moment I reconnect to the main house network it claims to see them again, but won't connect to them. It's almost as if the server list is cached and for some reason it won't time out.

In desperation I have tried the shipping condition reset which made the TV forget most of its settings. I have also tried the super secret engineering menu full wipe of everything options that removed all the other settings (and I'm still trying to get some of them back how I like them a week later).

In desperation I even tried Panasonic support who's only suggestion was I turn it off and then turn it back on again. Helpful barstools...

Any clue gratefully accepted, as I'm pretty much out of ideas.