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Thread: How do I force the Mezzmo Kodi-plugin to build itself into the Kodi DB?

  1. #21


    Ignore all my past posts.
    I will now just write my clear and direct questions:

    1. How can I prevent Mezzmo from adding stuff to my Kodi library?

    2. How does Mezzmo client treat Season 0 episodes? Is there a way to not only have them in a Season 0, and instead place them to their real Season?

    3. Why does my Mezzmo Server replace my Series Thumbnails all the time by itself? It really annoys me, it already happened 4 times now that it just replaced my thumbnails with incorrect ones from series with the same name. Adding to this it also keeps replacing the Thumbnails of Seasons or whole Series with some screenshots from a random episode.
    EDIT: I really don't get it. It happened again, this time I did not fix it, and after a few minutes it was normal again by itself. Then it came again, and replaced again the Season Thumbnails with some random screenshot from an episode --- and then? Again fixed itself!!!
    EDIT2: Now it replaced in another Series all Season Thumbnails with one and the same Series Thumbnail.

    4. For some reason there are 4 movies missing in the client, but they appear in the server. Why would they not appear? For some reason they appear in the Movie section, but not in the playlist.

    5. I am still curious about these completely unrelated "cva_srch-ACTORNAMES"-files that are in my Backdrops folder, especially they don't appear anywhere in either the Server or the Client. They just sit in the Backdrops folder and waste space.

    6. I gave up the idea of importing the stuff from Kodi. So now I need a way how to scrape Series from TVDB. How can I do that? Or is there an easy way on how to import my whole Kodi library into Mezzmo? There really needs to be a tool for that....
    Last edited by Undertaker555; 04-27-2022 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    Oh please not another problem...

    All the Season 0 Episodes are not correctly places within the Series..
    How does actually Mezzmo manage special seasons aka Season 0?

    All the series were scraped with TVDB and have the folder structure like that.
    Please don't tell me that I need to rename all the series and follow now a completely different system or ordering the series.......
    I tell you honestly, this will be the moment when I just give up and use Kodi with UPnP without any artwork...

    I was going for TVDB, because other scrapers had completely wrong orders of many series.
    And TVDB was much more reliable, but this is also why TVDB has a completely different structure and order than all other scrapers.
    TVDB also has mostly the system of adding "Specials" such as Christmas Episodes to a Season 0.
    And if Mezzmo can't handle Season 0, then I really don't know what else to do.

    Kodi for example accepts Season 0 and adds the episodes to the appropriate Season automatically.

    And how do I prevent Mezzmo from adding the media to Kodi DB?

    Thank you with the patience btw.
    I think still think it is getting closer to be finally be like I want, if we can find solutions for these problems.
    FYI, I fished adding some content to the Wiki regarding how to create a custom view. It's just an example.

    I looked in the Mezzmo addon code and season 0 is fine. As well Mezzmo itself shouldn't have a problem. It scrapes what it gets from TVDB. I have specials and such in my library with season 0.

    I don't know where you are looking in your library but have you checked the sort order ?

    Instead of importing from Kodi, you might try running maintenance against a folder you have imported and let it overwrite all metadata and have the get from Internet sites enabled. This will pull things down exactly as they sit on TVDB. This will let you know how things look natively in Mezzmo with proper TVDB scraping. Mezzmo does have a file naming structures for TV episodes but it is pretty broad and supports most common naming styles.

    Last edited by jbinkley60; 04-27-2022 at 12:50 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    Ignore all my past posts.
    I will now just write my clear and direct questions:

    1. How can I prevent Mezzmo from adding stuff to my Kodi library?

    2. How does Mezzmo client treat Season 0 episodes? Is there a way to not only have them in a Season 0, and instead place them to their real Season?

    3. Why does my Mezzmo Server replace my Series Thumbnails all the time by itself? It really annoys me, it already happened 4 times now that it just replaced my thumbnails with incorrect ones from series with the same name. Adding to this it also keeps replacing the Thumbnails of Seasons or whole Series with some screenshots from a random episode.
    EDIT: I really don't get it. It happened again, this time I did not fix it, and after a few minutes it was normal again by itself. Then it came again, and replaced again the Season Thumbnails with some random screenshot from an episode --- and then? Again fixed itself!!!
    EDIT2: Now it replaced in another Series all Season Thumbnails with one and the same Series Thumbnail.

    4. For some reason there are 4 movies missing in the client, but they appear in the server. Why would they not appear? For some reason they appear in the Movie section, but not in the playlist.

    5. I am still curious about these completely unrelated "cva_srch-ACTORNAMES"-files that are in my Backdrops folder, especially they don't appear anywhere in either the Server or the Client. They just sit in the Backdrops folder and waste space.

    6. I gave up the idea of importing the stuff from Kodi. So now I need a way how to scrape Series from TVDB. How can I do that? Or is there an easy way on how to import my whole Kodi library into Mezzmo? There really needs to be a tool for that....
    I'll answer what I can.

    1. In the addon settings disable sync by setting to Off..
    2. Answered in previous post. Peter may be able to lend more insight.
    3. This is the dynamic nature of Mezzmo. I stop it by adding a folder.jpg file in my TV series folders. You can also go into the folder / playlist properties and do a change poster--> add picture to a local file and Mezzmo will no longer do anything dynamic.
    4. I'll need a little more info here. How are you trying to view them on the client (in the addon or in Kodi natively ) ?
    5. Peter can answer this but I believe it is related to the actor active playlist. I believe deleting it and running maintenance will delete them and stop them from being added.
    6. I answered this in the prior E-mail. Run maintenance against the series with Internet enabled and overwrite everything. That is the cleanest form of adding things to your library.

    As for Kodi importing, Mezzmo tries with the NFO files but unfortunately there is so much customization often done in Kodi it is difficult. Peter may be able to provide more perspective.


  4. #24


    Definitely checking out what you said, but I really need a break.
    I had a few moments where I nearly gave up, but I am again motivated to get Mezzmo working.
    It is just sad to see my thumbnails going crazy, after I spent much time importing the files, and all looked so fine at first - and then all just goes crazy, and the thumbnails replace themselves with some random episode screenshots, for literally no reason.

    Season 0 exists, but in Kodi the episodes were placed from Season 0 into the other Seasons, like they would be in DVD order.
    I checked the Wiki for many things, and it helped me fix already some of them, but all what I posted here is still to do..

    All that was a bit demotivating, but I will try it again.
    Maybe the one or other response by Peter will help, too.

    Basically, the 6 questions in post no.21 are the only questions I have for now.
    Tomorrow I will try to add my big HDD for the first time, because I am still kind of in experimenting phase of my library.
    I will remove it completely again and begin from scratch when I am sure that all will work correctly.
    Something like the thumbnails just vanishing and being replaced by random screenshots would be a nightmare to me, if it would happen with my big HDD.

  5. #25


    I'll answer what I can.

    1. In the addon settings disable sync by setting to Off..
    2. Answered in previous post. Peter may be able to lend more insight.
    3. This is the dynamic nature of Mezzmo. I stop it by adding a folder.jpg file in my TV series folders. You can also go into the folder / playlist properties and do a change poster--> add picture to a local file and Mezzmo will no longer do anything dynamic.
    4. I'll need a little more info here. How are you trying to view them on the client (in the addon or in Kodi natively ) ?
    5. Peter can answer this but I believe it is related to the actor active playlist. I believe deleting it and running maintenance will delete them and stop them from being added.
    6. I answered this in the prior E-mail. Run maintenance against the series with Internet enabled and overwrite everything. That is the cleanest form of adding things to your library.

    As for Kodi importing, Mezzmo tries with the NFO files but unfortunately there is so much customization often done in Kodi it is difficult. Peter may be able to provide more perspective.

    Thanks for the info.

    1. Which one exactly? Settings > Content Control > Auto Background Sync? Or is it Mezzmo Backroung Sync? Or is it the switches above, like "Kodi DB actor information copy" + "Add TV Episodes to Kodi DB"?

    2. Will check tomorrow, maybe wait what Peter says.

    3. Is there a way to completely disable dynamic? Because all was fine as it was.. I mean do I really have to change hundreds of Season thumbnails for dozens of Series, just to prevent them from changing dynamically? I really hope it can be simply switched off..

    4. I don't use Kodi natively anymore. I followed your advice and only use the Mezzmo addon.

    5. Yes, waiting for Peter, because I am curious what the purpose of that is in the first place. Maybe it is some useful feature, but I don't see what, and probably won't need it.

    6. Actually I will scan everything from scratch, and don't use the Kodi export anymore. But I will think about that again tomorrow.

    Btw. Peter, I hope you read this, because you can just begin to read from post 21 beginning, because this is what is current and these are more clear questions than the chaos of my previous posts.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    Thanks for the info.

    1. Which one exactly? Settings > Content Control > Auto Background Sync? Or is it Mezzmo Backroung Sync? Or is it the switches above, like "Kodi DB actor information copy" + "Add TV Episodes to Kodi DB"?

    2. Will check tomorrow, maybe wait what Peter says.

    3. Is there a way to completely disable dynamic? Because all was fine as it was.. I mean do I really have to change hundreds of Season thumbnails for dozens of Series, just to prevent them from changing dynamically? I really hope it can be simply switched off..

    4. I don't use Kodi natively anymore. I followed your advice and only use the Mezzmo addon.

    5. Yes, waiting for Peter, because I am curious what the purpose of that is in the first place. Maybe it is some useful feature, but I don't see what, and probably won't need it.

    6. Actually I will scan everything from scratch, and don't use the Kodi export anymore. But I will think about that again tomorrow.

    Btw. Peter, I hope you read this, because you can just begin to read from post 21 beginning, because this is what is current and these are more clear questions than the chaos of my previous posts.
    Question 1. Here's the settings link. There are 5 controls for sync.

    Kodi DB actor information copy - set off to disable real time updates
    Add TV Episodes to Kodi DB - set off to detect TV shows during real time update
    Kodi DB Change detection - Set off to detect real time changes
    Mezzmo Background Sync - Set off to disable background sync process
    Automatic background Sync - Set off to disable auto sync updates

    So basically disable / set to off these 5 settings and the addon will not make any updates real time or via the background sync to your Kodi database.

    I know you said you will be using the Mezzmo Kodi addon so I added one more Wiki page on how to use it with favorites. Basically you can make any folder or playlist a favorite and launch it from Kodi., The favorite will pass the playlist name to the addon. I prefer the autostart approach and stay in the addon but some folks like to just launch certain playlists from their Kodi skin. The goal is to try and be as flexible as possible.


  7. #27
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    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    Ignore all my past posts.
    I will now just write my clear and direct questions:

    1. How can I prevent Mezzmo from adding stuff to my Kodi library?

    2. How does Mezzmo client treat Season 0 episodes? Is there a way to not only have them in a Season 0, and instead place them to their real Season?

    3. Why does my Mezzmo Server replace my Series Thumbnails all the time by itself? It really annoys me, it already happened 4 times now that it just replaced my thumbnails with incorrect ones from series with the same name. Adding to this it also keeps replacing the Thumbnails of Seasons or whole Series with some screenshots from a random episode.
    EDIT: I really don't get it. It happened again, this time I did not fix it, and after a few minutes it was normal again by itself. Then it came again, and replaced again the Season Thumbnails with some random screenshot from an episode --- and then? Again fixed itself!!!
    EDIT2: Now it replaced in another Series all Season Thumbnails with one and the same Series Thumbnail.

    4. For some reason there are 4 movies missing in the client, but they appear in the server. Why would they not appear? For some reason they appear in the Movie section, but not in the playlist.

    5. I am still curious about these completely unrelated "cva_srch-ACTORNAMES"-files that are in my Backdrops folder, especially they don't appear anywhere in either the Server or the Client. They just sit in the Backdrops folder and waste space.

    6. I gave up the idea of importing the stuff from Kodi. So now I need a way how to scrape Series from TVDB. How can I do that? Or is there an easy way on how to import my whole Kodi library into Mezzmo? There really needs to be a tool for that....
    I've had a closer look at #2 and I believe I know what is going on. Are you seeing TV episodes in the Kodi database showing up under a movie instead of a TV show when the season and episode in Mezzmo are both 0 or if either of them are 0 ? If so, go into the properties in Mezzmo for ones which are showing up wrong and let me know the season, episode and category values. I suspect the season and episode are both 0 and the category is TV Show. If so, I can fix this in the Mezzmo Kodi addon.

    I'll try to explain what is happening. Mezzmo has a flat table with all files in it but Kodi has two tables called: episodes and movies. The addon has to decide which table to write the file from Mezzmo to.

    This means that if the season and episode are 0 the addon treats it as a movie and not an episode, regardless of the category value. This is some of the original sync code and I don't remember why I chose this approach vs. trusting the category value from Mezzmo (i.e. TV Show). I suspect possibly due to improperly categorized TV Shows or Movies also I found that many TV show specials were tied to a season so they might be season 1 episode 0, which is fine in the current approach.

    If we find this is what is happening, I can add a setting option to allow you to toggle how episodes are determined (i..e current method or by category) or you could change the season or episode value to nonzero. This could be done for testing or for a bulk update with a Smart Playlist. I'd do the option approach so as not to break current users who are using the logic the way it is.

    Ultimately this is really just an issue for the Kodi database and the addon itself really doesn't care how it is written in the Kodi DB nor does Mezzmo. This is probably why it hasn't been reported before by others.

    Last edited by jbinkley60; 04-27-2022 at 07:54 AM.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    2. How does Mezzmo client treat Season 0 episodes? Is there a way to not only have them in a Season 0, and instead place them to their real Season?

    3. Why does my Mezzmo Server replace my Series Thumbnails all the time by itself? It really annoys me, it already happened 4 times now that it just replaced my thumbnails with incorrect ones from series with the same name. Adding to this it also keeps replacing the Thumbnails of Seasons or whole Series with some screenshots from a random episode.
    EDIT: I really don't get it. It happened again, this time I did not fix it, and after a few minutes it was normal again by itself. Then it came again, and replaced again the Season Thumbnails with some random screenshot from an episode --- and then? Again fixed itself!!!
    EDIT2: Now it replaced in another Series all Season Thumbnails with one and the same Series Thumbnail.
    These are the most important ones to fix right now.
    All other are not so important.

    About that Season 0 I will do some experimenting now, but that other topic "dynamic thumbnails" is really a no-go for me..
    There is no way that I will manually replace thumbnails for literally hundreds of seasons and dozens of series.

    EDIT: Yeah, I give up most of the things. I will simply accept that Season 0 episodes will stay as Season 0. Not so important.
    The most important things already work, except that "dynamic thumbnail".. this I really can't accept..
    I really dislike when software thinks it is smarter than me, and thinks it knows better what I want than myself

    Mezzmo is great, but I really request 2 things:

    - Please add a simply "Import from Kodi" function, because it really would make things easier, and much faster, because there would be nothing downloaded from the internet, as all important info and artwork already was scanned in Kodi months ago, and it already then took so much time and effort to make it how I want. And now I need to repeat all of it in Mezzmo..

    - And please give an option to disable the dynamic behavior. I think it has some benefits, but I am much too old school in handling libraries. All I want is just one massive block of library that will never be changed, except adding stuff. Basically, as native Kodi allows.

    Other than that, Mezzmo is a great tool and does exactly what I want.
    Still, I would be thankful to know how to prevent Mezzmo to change the Thumbnails into some random episode screenshots..
    I feel like a child building it's LEGO house, and some bully keeps coming and smashing it on the floor...
    Last edited by Undertaker555; 04-27-2022 at 02:00 PM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    These are the most important ones to fix right now.
    All other are not so important.

    About that Season 0 I will do some experimenting now, but that other topic "dynamic thumbnails" is really a no-go for me..
    There is no way that I will manually replace thumbnails for literally hundreds of seasons and dozens of series.

    EDIT: Yeah, I give up most of the things. I will simply accept that Season 0 episodes will stay as Season 0. Not so important.
    The most important things already work, except that "dynamic thumbnail".. this I really can't accept..
    I really dislike when software thinks it is smarter than me, and thinks it knows better what I want than myself

    Mezzmo is great, but I really request 2 things:

    - Please add a simply "Import from Kodi" function, because it really would make things easier, and much faster, because there would be nothing downloaded from the internet, as all important info and artwork already was scanned in Kodi months ago, and it already then took so much time and effort to make it how I want. And now I need to repeat all of it in Mezzmo..

    - And please give an option to disable the dynamic behavior. I think it has some benefits, but I am much too old school in handling libraries. All I want is just one massive block of library that will never be changed, except adding stuff. Basically, as native Kodi allows.

    Other than that, Mezzmo is a great tool and does exactly what I want.
    Still, I would be thankful to know how to prevent Mezzmo to change the Thumbnails into some random episode screenshots..
    I feel like a child building it's LEGO house, and some bully keeps coming and smashing it on the floor...

    The import from Kodi is covered by the XBMC/NFO metadata option. I think Peter can assist with specific issues with this method. I can fix the season 0 item fairly easily. Were you able to check any any determine that they were season 0, episode 0 and the category was TV Show ? The dynamic thumbnail item can be fixed by adding a folder.jpg file to the folders where you have TV series. If you already have a poster.jpg just copy it to folder.jpg . I do this on all of my TV series. Another approach is doing an add picture function in the folder/playlist properties. You can test both of these methods to see that they work. I do this and mine every change except on playlists whee I ant them to like Last 100 played, Recently added and such. In those it is nice seeing the top of the list item be the thumbnail for the playlist but I could change that if I wanted by doing an add picture.


    Last edited by jbinkley60; 04-27-2022 at 04:39 PM.

  10. #30


    I will once again do all from scratch.
    But first I will do a proper export from Kodi. Sadly in the current export something is wrong.
    This is not a good basis for using Mezzmo, because it could lead to problems, and I would falsely search for fixes in Mezzmo, when actually my export is the problem.

    About that dynamic thumbnail, I understood it like that I need to add a folder.jpg in each Season, but that would be by far too much work.
    Already one .jpg in each Series will take much time, especially since it has to be done manually. But for Series it is still ok.

    But anyway.. it should give some kind of setting about that..
    Placing a .jpg into each folder should not be the only solution..

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