This is Manny again, I could not use the account above so created a new one. The Roku issues are still a problem, but I found some solutions for the Mezzmo problems.
1) Reading the notes more I could use the settings under Mezzmo Tools->Options->Retrieving Metadata->Metadata Retrieval Settings... I
would suggest though that instead of just check boxes you have a preference order. For example, check that you get artwork from external files
first, but if they don't exist then get data from .nfo, then get data from internet web sites. That way if #3 doesn't work, then #2 might and if that doesn't work then #1 might.
2) Is still a problem.
3) Not a problem - found the file information all the way at the very long properties information dialog.
4) Not a problem - I found the web version has the properties in the upper right corner that lets you pick different ways to display video files and the last option worked from iPad/iPhone so I'm happy now.
5) Found a work around for this one. I created .srt files for my music videos so the first 20 secs displays the file name which has the artist and title of the song in question. So that works, but it would be nicer if I didn't have to external files to do that. If you create an option for music videos to display info at the beginning of each run would be nice.
6) has music video options but Mezzmo doesn't have that choice for video types - just Movie, DVD, or TV Show in the "Category" type of the properties. Music Videos would be good so they don't mix in with Movie files or Music files but have their own category.