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Thread: Unable to search movie meta data

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
    No, we do not have an uncompressed version of the binaries.
    No worries, I worked around that anyway and have successfully changed the API key within the binary itself and all is now working fine again.

    Given the cause of the issue, it may be worth considering the earlier suggestion of pulling the key out into an INI file so that end users can use their own.

    Also, thanks @jbinkley60 for the work on your Art Checker tool - I'll try to find some time to check that out and to see if I can put it to good use.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by FranticOrange View Post
    No worries, I worked around that anyway and have successfully changed the API key within the binary itself and all is now working fine again.

    Given the cause of the issue, it may be worth considering the earlier suggestion of pulling the key out into an INI file so that end users can use their own.

    Also, thanks @jbinkley60 for the work on your Art Checker tool - I'll try to find some time to check that out and to see if I can put it to good use.
    I'd also suggest that if it is moved to an INI file that a different User Agent is used when using a personal API Key vs. the embedded key in the binary..



  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Hi FranticOrange

    Might you share how you modified the binary API key ? (tools, steps, etc)


  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by IronAddict View Post
    Hi FranticOrange

    Might you share how you modified the binary API key ? (tools, steps, etc)

    Sure, steps are below.

    Note that I accept no responsibility if you corrupt your binaries, and I strongly suggest backing up your entire Mezzmo folder before starting these steps.

    1. Stop the Mezzmo Service and close Mezzmo.
    2. Open up your favourite HEX Editor. If you don't have one already, I use this which is pretty lightweight and has all the features I need:
    3. Use that to open up Mezzmo.exe from the folder you installed Mezzmo into. By default this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Conceiva\Mezzmo unless you changed it during installation.
    4. Click Format --> Unicode Chars.
    5. Click Edit --> Replace.
    6. In the dialog that pops up, ensure that "Find text" and "Is text" are both checked.
    7. Copy and paste the old API key into the top text box: dee64c83bd0310bc227948c9d4bc5aab
    8. Enter your new API key into the bottom text box. You must ensure that it's exactly 32 characters otherwise you'll corrupt the binary. If you don't already have one then you'll need to follow the process here to get a free one.
    9. Click Replace All.
    10. You should be informed that 10 instances have been replaced.
    11. Click File --> Save to overwrite Mezzmo.exe. (Note that a backup is automatically created called Mezzmo.bak which you can use to restore the original binary if you did something wrong and didn't take your own backup)

    Depending on your Windows account privileges, you may not be able to edit/save directly into the Mezzmo folder. In that case, copy Mezzmo.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\Conceiva\Mezzmo into a temporary location and do all of your editing there. Then copy the modified Mezzmo.exe back into the installation folder.

    12. Open Mezzmo and check the metadata search functionality.
    13. Restart your Mezzmo Service.
    14. Rejoice.

    The API key also exists 10 times in the MezzmoGetMetadata.exe binary so you'll want to repeat the above steps for that file too.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by FranticOrange; 03-29-2024 at 03:15 AM. Reason: Updated API key URL

  5. #45



    Tried to hexedit but found a problem. Seems the hexedit you use is for mac as it doesnt seem to work for me on Windows 10. so downloaded another one. I got an API but it has dashes in the key. I suspect I just remove them as there would be 32 characters then? The editor for old code you included "dee64c83bd0310bc227948c9d4bc5aab" says that it cannot find that string. Any ideas? Thanks

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Thumbs up


    Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to explain it. It is greatly appreciated!!!

    And thanks for bbar as well for the additional information on hexedit!!!


    Update :

    Got a new API key from TMDB in about 5 minutes
    Created copies of original 2 exe files
    Used UltraEdit (30 day trial) to edit the files
    Selected "UTF-16LE" option in the bottom tool bar
    Used Find and replace -- had to use singular "replace" and not "replace all" for some reason
    Saved the files and exited

    Presto -- Rejoiced ... although i call it martini time.

    Frantic : Thanks again for your help!!!!

    (one quirk ATM .. it will only update 1 file at a time .. but i'll tweak this if i can and post the resolution if not its still working enough not to have to use TMM)
    Last edited by IronAddict; 03-28-2024 at 03:14 AM.

  7. #47


    The link I posted is definitely for a Windows version, and I'm also using it on Windows 10. I've just verified this by downloading it again and extracting the ZIP file.

    You need to ensure that you're viewing and searching for ANSI strings which are stored using 2 bytes per character. If you're searching for an ASCII string then it won't find it.

    And yes, simply remove the hyphens from the API key that you've been issued.
    Last edited by FranticOrange; 03-28-2024 at 02:26 AM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2018



    Thanks so much for the write up to replace the keys, worked great!

    Also, Thanks to @Peter for sharing the key for us to use.
    Mezzmo - Mezzmo Kodi Matrix Plugin
    Nvidia Shield 2017
    Windows 10 - Intel 6 core i5 - 24GB Ram - 129TB Storage

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by RonB View Post

    Thanks so much for the write up to replace the keys, worked great!

    Also, Thanks to @Peter for sharing the key for us to use.
    You're very welcome @RonB.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Hi Peter,

    Two things:

    1. If you're giving Mezzmo away for free now, what's the problem?

    2. On the TMDB Forum, I asked what's going on. A Travis Bell responded thusly: "I've never heard of the app you're talking about and we haven't made any changes. Without an error or anything I can't really hypothesis what might be happening."

    Is this a right hand / left hand thing, or something else?

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