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Thread: Mezzmo issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Mezzmo issues

    wondering if anyone else has seen this.

    I uninstalled my mezzmo server and did a manual clean of old files and registry entries as i'm having a nightmare with artwork for TV shows and movies. (i know the movies has an issue with the API).

    On my system I have dedicate drives for TV series, Tv series2, Movies and Movies 2 (4 drives in total) contained on these drive are video files (with folder structure) only no other files exist.
    Once installed I entered my Pro license key and then adjust the active playlists to my liking. I then used “insert add folder” while Library was selected. I named it TV series and added both separate drive locations D:/TV Series and E:/TV series 2. Once I selected ok the folder appeared and Mezzmo started to add the files and then search for metadata art work etc.
    This is when I noticed the Getting text metadata and artwork for videos from internet xxx files remaining climbing quite high, I think the largest number I saw was a little under 300k files remaining. I’m at a loss why it was so high. My D:/TV series has 212 folder and 1,697 files, E:/TV series has 169 Folders and 1,382 files. I would have thought that the total number of files it would search for would be 3,079?
    Even this morning the system is still saying Getting text metadata and artwork for videos from internet 143,265 files remaining and it’s been running for 24hrs.
    This morning i stopped mezzmo, uninstalled it and reinstalled. removed all but one of my TV series from D:/TVSeries leaving once TV series and one season folder with 8 video files (no other files). I added the TVseries folder to mezzmo and it says Getting text metadata and artwork for videos from internet 296 files remaining. Lastly i tried another fresh install and deleted the photos and music active playlists and added TV series again but i got the same results. Any ideas why or if i have missed something? After using this product for 12+ years i'm started to loose my enjoyment with it.

    I'm also seeing (which i was never before) playing a movies on one of my TV skipping to next move when only half of the video being watched. this doesn't happen to all videos
    My system (dedicated for mezzmo only) specs are
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
    32GB ram
    Nvidia GTX 960 4gb video card.
    windows 10, with bloatware removed.
    I would have thought this would be good enough for on the fly transcoding?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Mezzmo fetches 2 images per episode and folder (poster and backdrop). In addition it fetches a poster for every actor. So the numbers can build. 300k sounds a bit high, depending upon how many actors there are per episode. So for your folders and episodes you'd be around 8,000 images If we assume 20 actors per episode that's close to another 160k. I don't think Mezzmo does a poster and backdrop for an actor. Peter would need to confirm.

    I add a local poster and folder image in each of my TV folders to speed things up significantly. I also highly suggest turning off Update Video Preview Thumbnails, unless you sue them. That can significantly slow things down. You should have enough horsepower to do on the fly transcoding. Make sure you have hardware transcoding enabled. For hardware acceleration I use None for decoding and nVidia NVENC for the best results. You may want to experiment with this.

    For the skipping, this sounds like a client profile issue or maybe it is too slow transcoding. I'd verify the profile and hardware encoding/decoding settings.


    Last edited by jbinkley60; 04-10-2024 at 05:28 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    I wiped the full system, Reinstalled windows 10, ripped the bloatware from it. Installed mezzmo (after reconnecting the media drives) Slowly starting adding TV programs and it all looked to be working untill it started pulling artwork from video files, even though i unticked that option.
    I'm starting to think the options in the metadata retrival are not working as there expected.
    In the maintain libary i only have update media properties and metadata selected
    Last edited by ant-dat; 04-10-2024 at 05:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by ant-dat View Post
    I wiped the full system, Reinstalled windows 10, ripped the bloatware from it. Installed mezzmo (after reconnecting the media drives) Slowly starting adding TV programs and it all looked to be working untill it started pulling artwork from video files, even though i unticked that option.
    I'm starting to think the options in the metadata retrival are not working as there expected.
    Look under Maintain Library-->Metadata Retrieval Settings. I uncheck the 2nd and 3rd options to get embedded artwork and check the 4th one because I use external files for some situations (as mentioned above).



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    thats the way i have it set

    as you can see from the back ground it's mixed up the tv series.

    And a pick of it adding art from file

    Last edited by ant-dat; 04-10-2024 at 05:49 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    What version of Mezzmo are you running ? I prefer


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jbinkley60 View Post
    What version of Mezzmo are you running ? I prefer

    do you mean then yes i'm running this version

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by jbinkley60 View Post
    What version of Mezzmo are you running ? I prefer
    I am confused. I have Mezzmo Pro installed. It says its version is Check for Updates says it is up to date. The website:
    says the version that can be downloaded from there is

    When I saw your post, I thought perhaps that was the reason I can no longer fetch metadata for movies with Get Online Video Metadata. There is a thread about that which also makes no sense — it jumped from a straightforward statement of the problem to talking about API keys and a program called Tiny Media Manager, with no explanation about how this applies to the simple way we have always used Mezzmo or what this mysterious API key might be. (Yes, I do know what an API key is. Aren’t the appropriate API keys for accessing online metadata sources compiled into Mezzmo?)

    Is there some secret update for Mezzmo that normal people can’t see?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by ant-dat View Post
    do you mean then yes i'm running this version
    I meant, which has a minor update from I thought you might be running an older release which may have had a bug that could be what you are seeing. Given you are running a current update, Peter will need to weigh in on the issues you are experiencing.

    FYI, looks like it will be the patch update which supports adding your own TMDB API key. I just finished testing it for Peter.



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Coises View Post
    I am confused. I have Mezzmo Pro installed. It says its version is Check for Updates says it is up to date. The website:
    says the version that can be downloaded from there is

    When I saw your post, I thought perhaps that was the reason I can no longer fetch metadata for movies with Get Online Video Metadata. There is a thread about that which also makes no sense — it jumped from a straightforward statement of the problem to talking about API keys and a program called Tiny Media Manager, with no explanation about how this applies to the simple way we have always used Mezzmo or what this mysterious API key might be. (Yes, I do know what an API key is. Aren’t the appropriate API keys for accessing online metadata sources compiled into Mezzmo?)

    Is there some secret update for Mezzmo that normal people can’t see?
    Mezzmo has been releasing patches vs. full updates for some time now. So you need to drop an E-mail to to get a patch update to something newer than is the most current patch but, as mentioned here, I expect to be available shortly.

    With regards to scraping metadata for movies, the folks at TMDB disabled Mezzmo's API key, which blocks scraping of movie metadata. Music and TV Shows are fine. The release allows you to register your own TMDB API Key, add it to the Mezzmo configuration file and use it with Mezzmo to reenable scraping of movie metadata and artwork.

    TMM and the Mezzmo Artwork Checker are two tools which allow you to create NFO files and artwork for movies which Mezzmo can import without the need for a TMDB API key. They aren't quite as convenient as Mezzmo scraping the metadata and artwork directly but they do give you a high degree of control and are an interim solution to the API key issue. Mezzmo has multiple ways to get metadata and artwork. The Internet websites method is what is broken with the API Key issue.

    I hope this all makes sense.



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