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Thread: Playback problems on Sony BDP-S370

  1. #1

    Default Playback problems on Sony BDP-S370


    I am having problems when Mezzmo has to transcode a video file for playback on my Sony BDP-S370. I am using the latest firmware for the device, and the updated Sony BDP profiles from Mezzmo support, along with Mezzmo v2.1.12.0 on Windows 7 (x64). Files which do not get transcoded play without any problem at all. Here is what happens with files that have to be transcoded:

    1. I press [Play] on the Sony remote control and then there is a delay of about 20 seconds before the video starts playing (I understand what's happening here, that's OK).

    2. The video plays for about 2 minutes and then I get a message stating the connection to the server was lost.

    3. If I try and play the same video file straight away then I often get the message "The file is corrupt or unplayable".

    4. So I leave it for a few minutes (meanwhile Mezzmo is continuing to transcode the file in the background, because this option is set in the GUI).

    5. 2 minutes later I press [Play] on the remote again, and now the video will play for about 30 minutes before I get the same error message about losing the connection to the server. If I press [Display] on the remote at any point while the video is playing then the Sony tells me that it is a 30 minute video file (for example).

    6. If I wait 5-10 more minutes (to let Mezzmo finish transcoding the file) and then press [Play] then I can now watch the whole video (but I have to fast-forward to where I left off!) Now pressing [Display] on the remote gives the correct length of video file (eg 1hr45mins).

    So I can see what is happening here - when I press [Play] on the remote, Mezzmo only streams as much as it has ALREADY transcoded. So when I pressed [Play] in Step 5, it only streamed about 30 minutes of the file because that's all that it had transcoded at the point that my Sony asked for the file.

    This is absolutely repeatable and happens with any video that needs transcoding.

    I'm fairly new to Mezzmo so I don't recall if this happened with v2.1.11.0. I was only using that version for a few days before upgrading to v2.1.12.0, and I don't know if I played any transcoded files in that time.

    So is there something I can change in the Mezzmo GUI to fix this (although I am using mostly the defaults I think), or is it a coding problem? Happy to provide diagnostic logs if it will help.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia



    Sounds like the transcoding speed is not fast enough for smooth playback. What sort of CPU do you have?

    If you send in the logs, we'll know for sure of course.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  3. #3


    Hi Dennis,

    As luck would have it, it's been fine today! However, I will keep logging enabled so that I can send them to you the next time it happens.

    I have an Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz, so it should be up to the task.

    I have also increased the transcoding priority to "high" in the transcoding settings, and UN-ticked "use low priority to complete partially-transcoded files" to see if they help.

    Will report back in a few days either way.


  4. #4



    I had the same issues with my Sony 570, I had to stop the server, run the Maintain Library and restarted the server. Fixed the playing issues. However, I still can't FF or RW mkv files. DIVX that are being transcoded seem to be fine.

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