
I was wondering is there a way to force Mezzmo to complete partially transcoded files after the ffmpeg process has been stopped?

My PC crashed towards the end of transcoding, i'm missing the last few minutes of the video. The video itself is about 50 minutes long. I'd rather not delete the transcoded file and having to replay the video from the beginning. Since I get no ff/rew while transcoding, my only other option is to delete the transcoded file, and then play the video then possibly pause it till the transcoding is complete, then re-start the video and fast forward to the point where I stopped watching.

Does the ffmpeg process allow such a thing? are there any command lines I can use to have it complete the transcoding?

Normally this is command that runs;
"C:\Program Files\Conceiva\Mezzmo\ffmpeg.exe" -i "I:\TVSHOW~1\Fringe\SEASON~2\FRC495~1.MKV" -y -vcodec mpeg2video -b 8600000 -sameq  -copyts  -g 18 -vf "scale=1280:720"  -acodec copy -sn  -f dvd  -threads 4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -copyinkf -sc_threshold 1000000000 -qmin 5 -qscale 1 -trellis 1 -cmp 1 -subcmp 1 -mbd rd -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -fflags +genpts+ignidx+igndts -deinterlace  "C:\*******\7EA93B3D-4600-4369-B113-C8FAA37EF507\Video\88-mpeg_ntsc-mpeg2video-ac3.mzt"