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Thread: Sony BDP-S370/570 - Does anyone have Mezzmo working 100% with it?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    We'll be fixing the MP4 transcoding to make it better, but Sony does not play MKVs, so Serviio should be transcoding those files as well. Perhaps it's transcoding them to MPEG2 which does allow FF/REW, but reduces quality.

    The Sony BDPs do not display thumbnails - this is a limitation of their firmware and we cannot fix it, unfortunately. Probably a future firmware update will fix this up and then thumbnails will start working.

    With the Chinese characters - do you mean the actual file names or just the display titles?

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
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    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  2. #22


    Thanks Dennis.

    I am with you regarding Sony firmware's limitation on displaying thumbnails.

    Sony BDP came in 2 favours: US version and European version. My understanding is the former doesn't support mkv through dlna, while the latter does. I am in Australia, hence mine should be a European version. I have monitored cpu usage when streaming mkv files from Serviio; I didn't see any unusual cpu usage nor any ffmpeg activities. Furthermore, I could change audio tracks and swithing on/off embedded subtitles with the Sony's remote.

    In Serviio, mp4 files are demuxed into mpegts. FF/Rewind functionalities appear to be similar to mkv files, but I need more investigation to confirm the consistency.

    I sincerly wish similar playback supports will be added in Mezzmo so that I only need to have 1 media server running.


    Last edited by wotg; 03-02-2011 at 12:45 PM.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis View Post

    With the Chinese characters - do you mean the actual file names or just the display titles?

    I mean the filenames. For example, 2 identical files, abc.avi and 中文.avi. The 1st one appears on the video filelist, but the 2nd dosen't show up.

    Can this be fixed in Mezzmo or is it a Sony's limitation?


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    We have previously tested Mezzmo with many character sets (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.) and Mezzmo works fine. My guess is that your Sony player model does not have support for Chinese characters so it is rejecting the file listing since it cannot display it. We'll re-test it here and if there is a problem we will include the fix in the new release that we are preparing now.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada


    Here's an update after installing v2.2.0.0 of Mezzmo:

    1) The problem regarding DivX/AVI files randomly stopping still persists. I'm finding that it also often happens if I leave the player paused for a few minutes, then try to resume, where it'll play for a few seconds then stop. I've sent in logs showing when it happens after pausing (for some transcoded files too), so hopefully there'll be a fix at some point.

    2) The issue with being unable to fast forward or rewind files that are being transcoded has been fixed in the new version (thanks Conceive!). However, the update rendered streamed DivX unable to be rewound or fast forwarded. I slightly modified the profile to fix this and things seem to be working well.

    3) MP4 native playback isn't really an issue now that seeking is possible when transcoding. However, I did have trouble getting a few MP4's and MKV's to work properly with the new profile. After another quick tweak of the profile's MPEG_TS container I was able to fix this and all MP4's seem to be working.

    All in all, after doing a few small modifications to the new profile, I have all formats working how I'd like them to in terms of playback. However, the only issue I'm still having is the sometimes random and sometimes after pausing freeze/crash of the media stream with DivX and many transcoded files. If this could be remedied I think everything would be pretty much perfect for my BDP and Mezzmo :-)

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Excellent feedback, Aaron407. We're now looking into the open issues you mention.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  7. #27


    WHat did you do to tweak the profile?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgan1112 View Post
    WHat did you do to tweak the profile?
    See my post here:

    However, Conceiva has stated that they have an updated profile available to address the issues. Although you can try the profile I posted in the linked thread, I would recommend contacting the Conceiva support group to obtain their official profile update as well.

  9. #29

    Default Sony N-100 and FF/RW

    I am having some of the same problems as others have mentioned. Files will sometimes stop in the middle and go to the next file. I am unable to FF/RW which is a problem in resuming a file previously stopped.

    All my files are in DVIX format. It is not clear from some of the comments if that is the problem or not. Someone suggested reformating all the files into another format but that seems to be a bit of overkill. Mezzmo should be able to correct this situation with a simpler solution.

    Any comments or new ideas?


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    I dont think this is an Mezzmo Issue!

    After trying several streaming methods im now sure, that Sony lost their ability to develop and build strong electronics. The BDP i bought is in comparation with my Netgear EVA Streamer a shame! The support is also poor and failed to help me with any suggestions. I think the only solution ist to give the player back and buy one who is working as it should!

    I really think that sony does not care about the customers and their problems, so why should we care????

    I sometimes have also broken hdmi connection to my Sony TV for about one second (Blank screen). I changed allready the HDMI cable without fixing it. Has anyone else this issues?


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