I'd be nice if Mezzmo could keep track of which files have been viewed and not viewed yet. That data could be then used in possibly two ways:
1) Smart Playlists, where you could have a condition to only show files that have (not) been viewed yet. Would be great when combined with a "Recently added" Smart Playlist, so you could display the last 10 files that have been added and not viewed yet.
2) Some way to allow the client to report the state of a file (viewed/non-viewed). Possibly by pre-pending an asterisk to the name reported to the client if the file has not been viewed yet (i.e. it's a "new" file). The option could be enabled/disabled in Mezzmo's config for people that don't like the idea of having filenames starting with an asterisk.
That feature would allow me to live without the MediaMark plugin in WDLXTV that can't work on newer versions of WDLXTV
Taking this one step further, that state could be associated with specific devices. So if, for example, the kids got a Playstation and the parents got a WDTV, each would have their own "viewed/non-viewed" status state on files. That one might require more work to implement however, and might not be needed by so many users, so maybe not worth the extra development time.