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Thread: Mezzmo Playlists and Network Shares

  1. #1

    Default Mezzmo Playlists and Network Shares

    Hi All,

    I have been trying out Mezzmo with a view to replace my current streaming solution. I have now moved over to a Windows environment so not retricted to Linux anymore so my choice has widened. I am currently using Twonky on my NAS box but after trying out Mezzmo, it is a fantastic piece of software, especially where transcoding is concerned.

    However, there are a couple of things that I am unable to do that I currently do with my current solution. I was wondering if they were possible with Mezzmo. If they are, then Mezzmo is my perfect solution.

    First of all, how do you add in network shares to the library. When adding a folder to the library, all it gives me is a view of my drives with no place to enter a UNC path. For example, I need to enter something like \\\share\Videos as all the files are stored on my NAS box, Currently to test Mezzmo, I have copied a few hundred movies and albums to my local hard drive as that seems to be all it sees. Incidently, my NAS library contains nearly 3000 videos and 10000 music tracks.

    Secondly, I successfully managed to create a rolodex style index for all my movie titles and all my music track titles but I want to do the same sort of list for things like album and artist. I followed a tutorial on here but it doesn't seem to achieve what I need. What I am trying to do is create a playlist called 'Artists' that when clicked on gives a list of playlists labeled A-Z. Then when I click on, for example, K it provides a list of all the artist names that begin with K. Then when I click on an Artist in that list it shows all the tracks associated with that artist. I also need to do the same with Albums. It works perfectly with movie titles and music track titles but Artist and Album are a different kind of playlist so you cannot seem to replicate the same sort of functionality.

    Unfortunately, I have to do things this way because of the number of files. None of my DLNA devices can show all the files at once as they run out of buffer space. If I just have an alphabetical list of all Artists then try and view them on any of my streaming devices then I can only scroll down to artists beginning with J before the buffer space runs out so I need to subdivide into an alphabetical list by the first letter.

    Lets say I wanted to list all the tracks by artists Depeche Mode for example. I would need to click on a playlist called Artist, then click on a sub-playlist called D and then all the artists beginning with D would be displayed. I would then scroll and click on Depeche Mode and all the tracks by Depeche Mode would be displayed. This would be the same functionality for Albums as well.

    Is there a way of achieving this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    California, USA


    When you click add folder it will bring up a window that allows you to browse for the file/folder. In that window select network, than the device and share name.

    Later when you are dealing with playlists you can add file path info in the form \\servername\share\folder

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    California, USA


    Forgot to tell you that you can right-click on computer select map network drive and then pick the drive id and network share. You can specify to autoconnect when restarted. Your folders would then appear under the drive id you gave it.
    You can do the same using the command net. The best way (until you get used to it) is to open a command window. Select Start-Run enter cmd. It will open a window allowing you to enter command line programs. It will keep the window open until you close it allowing you to see responses. At the command line if you just enter net[return] it will show you the available commands. The one you will probably want is NET USE V: \\COMPUTERNAME\SHARENAME
    That will connect the network resource named to the drive id v:

  4. #4


    Hi, I can't seem to get network shares to work. Mezzmo runs on a vm with W7. The network shares are on the server running Server2008. I get Mezzmo to scan the files and i can see/access them just fine. However they dont appear on the TV-i see the playlist but it's empty. If I run Mezzmo on the server, the TV sees them.

    Sharing permission are set for everyone to full. I added credentials for the share in windows so u don't have to enter user/pwd at every boot. I tried when adding files to library to use mapped drive, windows network and ip address, same result.
    I just don't know what to look for.

    Please help

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    I think your problem is still related to access permissions. Just in case, email us a set of logs and we may see if there is another problem. Turn on logging (see and restart your Mezzmo server. Connect to Mezzmo from your device and try to play some files. When the problem re-occurs, then stop your Mezzmo server and exit Mezzmo. Zip up all your logs and email them to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by MirceaEnache View Post
    Hi, I can't seem to get network shares to work. Mezzmo runs on a vm with W7. The network shares are on the server running Server2008. I get Mezzmo to scan the files and i can see/access them just fine. However they dont appear on the TV-i see the playlist but it's empty. If I run Mezzmo on the server, the TV sees them.

    Sharing permission are set for everyone to full. I added credentials for the share in windows so u don't have to enter user/pwd at every boot. I tried when adding files to library to use mapped drive, windows network and ip address, same result.
    I just don't know what to look for.

    Please help
    What account is the Mezzmo service running on your Windows 7 VM ? The default is a system local account. Unfortunately your Windows 2008 server won't know about it and thus will be the problem. I just fixed this very same problem. The best way to fix this is to build an admin account on your Windows 7 VM and your 2008 R2 server that have the same userid and password on both machines. Then set the service to run on the Windows 7 VM with that account. This should fix things. The alternative is to run run Actvie Directory.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by jbinkley60 View Post
    What account is the Mezzmo service running on your Windows 7 VM ? The default is a system local account. Unfortunately your Windows 2008 server won't know about it and thus will be the problem. I just fixed this very same problem. The best way to fix this is to build an admin account on your Windows 7 VM and your 2008 R2 server that have the same userid and password on both machines. Then set the service to run on the Windows 7 VM with that account. This should fix things. The alternative is to run run Actvie Directory.
    The accounts are named the same, but different passwords. I'll change the password on W7 to see if that helps.
    If not, I'll try another account on both of them. What puzzles me is that in mezzmo i can access the files and the playlists just fine.

  8. #8


    Sadly same result. I've emailed the logs. If we manage to get it to work I'll post back the solution.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by MirceaEnache View Post
    Sadly same result. I've emailed the logs. If we manage to get it to work I'll post back the solution.
    You did verify that the Mezzmo service is running using the shared account (the Logon tab under the service properties for the Mezzmo service ? Also, on the share you have on your 2008 R2 server, does it allow that account full control ? I have the exact same configuration and this works for me.

  10. #10


    On the R2 I have "everyone" with full control.
    Mezzmo.exe on W7 is running on the same user. MezzmoMediaServer.exe is run as system.
    Media Server should run under user ?

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