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Thread: SQLiteStepError filling up mezzmo log

  1. #1

    Exclamation SQLiteStepError filling up mezzmo log

    so i'm having a weird issue that started yesterday. I would start playing a file, and about 4 and change minutes would go by and the video would stop. I tried another video same thing, so I went snooping. I look at my C:\ drive and there is 0 bytes free.

    Odd I wonder so I go looking in the Mezzmo Logs (appdata\local\conceiva\logs\mezzmo.exe\...) and there is this 40GB txt log. I stop mezzmo, delete the file, restart the media server and try it again. SAME thing happened. I stopped the file when it was at about 250MB in size, and see this in the log file repeated over and over. There's about 3 million lines to this text file.

    1498883 - Aug 29 02:04:32.950 - (1346220272.950) - [00] - <00> - DBE  > SQLiteStep error: 11 (SELECT * FROM VideoThumbnail WHERE Processed=0 ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT 1)
    1498884 - Aug 29 02:04:32.950 - (1346220272.950) - [00] - <00> - DBE  > SQLiteStep error: 11 (SELECT * FROM VideoThumbnail WHERE Processed=1 LIMIT 27)
    the first instance of it starts at line 1153 after this entry:

    557 - Aug 29 01:58:36.030 - (1346219916.030) - [00] - <00> - DB   > SetDBPath(C:\Users\AJ\AppData\Local\Conceiva\Mezzmo\MezzmoImages.db)
     558 - Aug 29 01:58:36.031 - (1346219916.031) - [00] - <00> - DBE  > SQLiteStep error: 11 (SELECT * FROM VideoThumbnail WHERE Processed=0 ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT 1)
    being a web developer i'm very farmiliar with SQL so i'm guessing that my mezzmoimages.db file is corrupt? Just was wondering if I could delete that file or reset it somehow? I haven't started mezzmo up since because I really don't want to put my HD through that sort of stress. Any help here would be great!

    Thanks and as always I love mezzmo!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Error 11 does suggest that one of the Mezzmo database files is corrupt. Try this:

    • Stop your Mezzmo server and exit Mezzmo.
    • Using Windows Explorer, go to the 'C:\Users\AJ\AppData\Local\Conceiva\Mezzmo\' folder.
    • Rename the 'MezzmoVideoThumbnail.db' file to say 'MezzmoVideoThumbnail.db.bak'.
    • Start Mezzmo and Mezzmo server and see if that helps.
    • If that is better, then please zip up that DB file and send it to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com for analysis. If the ZIP file is larger than 10MB, please upload it to a filesharing site like dropbox or rapidshare and send us the download link.

    After this issue is resolved, then I would suggest you turn off logging (go to Options dialog in Mezzmo) since it can slow down your streaming and can create large log files on your PC. You really only need to turn on logging when Conceiva support staff ask you to send in logs for analysis. After that, you should turn it off.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

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