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Thread: Add independent volume, eq and video setting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Add independent volume, eq and video setting

    Hi. I'm sure I'm not the first to think of it, but in a quick scan I didn't see a post requesting software-based eq, volume boost, or visual presets or hand settings. My setup has very low volume, and I all too often have to crank the tv volume all the way up, and even then wind up turning off the ac and what not to be able to hear it. It would make this so much more user friendly. Sometimes, to fix low volume, I have to convert it to another file type, to boost volume in the conversion process.

    Light audio compression/limiting would rock, as an aside.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Interesting idea. Thanks for the suggestion, jon123nyc. We'll add it to our feature list and look into it for a future version.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jon123nyc View Post
    Sometimes, to fix low volume, I have to convert it to another file type, to boost volume in the conversion process.
    I think that your idea fits in well with one of mine: the ability to force transcoding, supplying user-definable parameters. I don't care how bad the syntax might be (e.g. raw "ffMpeg" flags), but I want to be able to tell Mezzmo (persisted in my metadata, of course) that a given video has not been deinterlaced, and to transcode it with deinterlacing. Or adjust the volume as you request. Or change the color balance/saturation. Or, especially, that the video is to be transcoded with a different aspect ratio.

    Then again, some of these might not require actual transcoding, so much as just supplying different video header parameters via DLNA. E.g., the ability to tell the Media Device itself to use a user-specified aspect ratio instead of just using the one stored in the video file header. I don't think that my Samsung C-series TV can do deinterlacing on-demand, but perhaps it has a global audio volume rescaling feature....

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