I both love and hate the new series support.

I realize the whole process of "recognizing" the if a file is in a series just from the file name is difficult as the file name formats vary considerably, but I think you can do better.

First of all the "series" recognition algorithm is fails to recognize the following:
a. A file that contains two episodes is not recognized. Typical files names are:
i. foo.S01E23-E24.HDTV.XviD-HWE
ii. foo.S01.E23.E24.HDTV.XviD-HWE
b. A file with a Year in the name. e.g. Castle.2009.S01.E23 is not recognized as being in the series Castle. Mezzmo thinks its series name is Castle 2009.

As a suggestion to help with (a) I expect your algorithm uses a regex expression to determine series name, series number and episode number, if so I would like these 3 regex expressions to be visible and alterable by the mezzmo admin (perhaps an advanced tab).

As with (b), the above suggestion may help, but even better would be a configurable "alias" list that kicks in after the above mentioned algorithm to help determine the series name. (or possible kicks in before some how?)
eg. transporter the series -- > Transporter
castle 2009 -- > Castle

At the moment the only two options for title (the name displayed by the client) are:
a. The episode title as retrieved from source (default)
b. The file name

Both are poor. I would like a 3rd option- a formula the mezzmo admin can alter/specify..
I don't advocate any particular syntax but here are two examples:
a. formula using java like syntax "%1$s - %2$2d %3$2d : %4$s" (where parameters uses are fixed/published as: series,season,episode,title, filename, other metadata fields....)
b. formula using dos like syntax "%SeriesName% - %Season% %Episode% : %Title%" (where value names are fixed/published )