How do I view videos on the same machine I have Mezzmo on? When I edit VOB videos of TV shows
I like to verify episodes are what I think they are but I can't watch the video Mezzmo has in its
database from the PC where it's installed. I have to run back and forth between rooms to check
the video content.
Also - I'd like to be able to enjoy the contents of the Mezzmo database (videos/music) from an HTPC
I have in the living room. I can do that from Windows but it would be nice to be able to use Mezzmo.
And I wonder if the previous is possible - how do I watch/listen to anything from a tablet?
I "guess" I'm asking how to do "URL Streaming" but the term remains unclear to me.
One more thing - why is "Mezzmo" being flagged by the spell checker? Good grief - wouldn't a
companies products not be flagged as misspelled words?