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Thread: feedback on Toshiba DLNA TVs and metadata functions wishlist

  1. #1

    Default feedback on Toshiba DLNA TVs and metadata functions wishlist


    !a little more than one year ago, after many unsuccessfull tries of DLNA software for streaming my video to my Toshiba regza TV, I had finally bought Mezzmo.
    I can say that it works well and,give me all functions I need for viewing videos and I have recommended it to many friends.

    Recently I've started using metadata automatic retrieval functions and I am not as satisfied by it than I am by the DLNA one's.
    strange behaviors I have seen (Mezzmo 3.4.4):
    _in the Mezzmo library view, when manullay updating a file artwork and when this artwork is used as "folder artwork" on library root, then, the folder artwork is not updated (only the file's one is)
    _for series episodes using names as "episodeYY.avi", I frequently get porn DVD artworks...
    annoying behaviors that could be modified:
    _if your file is named "the_hobbit" instead of "the hobbit", or "Clemenceau" instead of "Clémenceau", the search is unsuccessfull
    _if during a previous life, you had collected all artworks of all your movies into a single folder, you cannot request the auto leta data search to search in a specific folder but have to either do it manually for each file or copy each artwork to the same folder as its movie file....

    It is only my feedback from my point of view. I hoppe that it will help you make Mezzmo (which is already very impressing) becoming better and better :-)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Hi Rirou,

    Many thanks for the feedback. Glad Mezzmo streams well to your Toshiba Regza TV.

    Some comments/answers:

    • If there is no external folder artwork files on disk, then Mezzmo will use the artwork from the first file in the playlist/folder. Your can turn this feature on/off using the "Create artwork based on contents of folder/playlist" checkbox in the Metadat Retrieval Settings dialog. If you change the artwork for the first file, then in the current version of Mezzmo (v3.4.4.0), the folder/playlist artwork does not also change. We'll look into this for a future version. You can currently remove and re-get all your folder/playlist artwork by running Maintain Library with the "Update all attributes" radio button selected.
    • We'll add an option into Mezzmo so you can ignore search results from porn movies.
    • By default, Mezzmo will change "the_hobbit" title to "the hobbit" and then try to find the matching metadata on the web for this movie. It is possible that Mezzmo is finding metadata for the movie inside the video file (embedded metadata) or from an external metadata file (.XML, .NFO, .TGMD, etc.) - so it is not proceeding to go to the web to look for metadata. You can turn off getting embedded metadata from inside files or from external metadata files using the Metadata Retrieval Settings dialog. After changing the settings, right click on folder/playlist in the tree in Mezzmo and click Maintain Playlist. This will let you maintain just the files in the selected folder/playlist. On the Maintain Library dialog, set the "Update all attributes" radio button so Mezzmo knows to get all attributes again for these files since you changed metadata settings.
    • You can maintain just the files in a folder by right clicking on folder/playlist in the tree in Mezzmo and clicking Maintain Playlist.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  3. #3


    Hi Paul,
    Thank you for your answers!
    They are precious as they mean that half of my wish list is already granted in the current Mezzmo release :-)

    Have a nice day

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