None of my Smart playlists are sorting with the latest version
Recently added should show newest items at the top
Last 50 Played should show latest played at the top
Top 50 played should be sorted by play count
and equally the same for all my Smart Playlists
Changing the sorting in the playlist options has no effect, the only way I can sort a Smart Playlist is by clicking in the headers to sort it, this sort order is then applied to all Smart Playlists
Go into Recently Played, click the last played header to sort it (it now looks good)
Go into Recently added, even though the playlist option is set to sort by most recently added it has taken on the sort order of recently played playlist, the sort order manually set above
The same with all smart playlists, they are all now sorted by last played, whatever option is set for sorting in playlist options looks like it is being ignored
EDIT: Looks like if I manually sort by Display Title everything works as expected??, is this how it should work now?
also manually sorting by Display Title causes the sorting to fail if a show is added that does not get matched with on line sites, for recently added in this case it goes to the end of the list instead of the top