Hi All,
Has anyone else been trying to setup a single playlist with Playlist Sharing Permissions so that only a single device (IP Address) can access it?
I have created a new playlist as per this screenshot. And as you can see there are no files within. The only way I have worked out how to add these files, is to add this folder to the Library, BUT as soon as I do that, all these items are ALSO added to my other playlists ie. recently added, last 20 played etc.
2014-07-12 15_09_59-Mezzmo.jpg
I thought if I set up the permissions on the Adult playlist that it would stop the files from being visible elsewhere, but because I have imported the folder, they disperse to the Recently added etc.
2014-07-12 15_13_13-Playlist Sharing Permissions.jpg
I know its confusing, but im trying to get this sorted...
How have other people been able to view and limit who can play a select playlist??