Thanks for explaining how you want to protect your files. We'll discuss this more here and think about a nice way to do this.
For the current version of Mezzmo (v4.1.3.0), you can accomplish what you want by creating your own special content rating(s):
- Go to the Options dialog (Content Rating page) and click the 'Edit Content Ratings' button.
- On the Edit Content Ratings dialog, click the 'Add' button.
- On the Content Rating Properties dialog, give your content rating a name (e.g. 'Protected') and set the minimum permitted age to a high number such as 99. Click OK to save your new content rating.
- Now you can assign this content rating to your personal videos. To do this for a group of files, select them all (using Ctrl +A keys to select all files in the current playlist/folder; or Ctrl or Shift key with left mouse button; or using mouse rubberbanding) and right-click on one of them and click 'Properties'. On the Properties dialog, click the small browse button on the right of the Content rating edit box and select your new content rating. Click OK on the Properties dialog to save this new content rating for all the selected files.
- Edit your device(s) to set the maximum content rating to stream to these devices.
Let us know how you go.