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Thread: Rescan for missing Posters?

  1. #1

    Default Rescan for missing Posters?

    Is there an easy way to tell Mezzmo to rescan all movies that have no poster/artwork? I look through my library, and many do not have any.
    I know the posters are out there, because if I open Properties and use "Get Internet Artwork" it always has multiple results to pick from.

    I know I can Right click on a list, and use Maintain playlist, but if I leave it set to "Only update Files with empty Attributes" the missing artwork remains empty.
    If I check the "Update all Attributes" it will update every file, this usually seems to get the artwork, but has to rescan every file again as well?

    Edit: Also, I've been using Maintain playlist a lot, and re-scanning large chunks of files, and find that sometimes, Instead of grabbing a poster from the internet
    (that i can still get manually with properties) it's filled some movies in with a screengrab from the film, at least they aren't showing as a blank graphic I guess.
    Last edited by moreawesomethanyou; 06-26-2015 at 03:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    If some of your video files do not have a thumbnail/poster (i.e. it is blank), then "Only update Files with empty Attributes" radio button on the Maintain dialog will get artwork for these files. If the video files have artwork (either a movie poster or a screen grab), then "Only update Files with empty Attributes" radio button on the Maintain dialog will not get new artwork since they are not blank. If you wish, you can make them blank (so you can use the "Only update Files with empty Attributes" radio button on the Maintain dialog) by doing the following:

    1. Select the files you wish to make blank posters. You can multi-select many files using your mouse and the CTRL or SHIFT keys, or using mouse rubberbanding to select a bunch of files.
    2. Right-click on one of the selected files and click Properties.
    3. On the Properties dialog, click the 'Change Poster' button and click 'Delete Picture' menu item.
    4. Click OK to close the Properties dialog. Now all these selected files with have no poster/thumbnail. You can now run Maintain Library with the "Only update Files with empty Attributes" radio button.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

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