[Edited] Do to lack of participation I have decided not to continue the IRC. If I get enough testers who want to stay logged in and participate, I will try again. Thanks to the couple of people who came by to visit.
I have started an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel on DALnet where we can discuss and help each other while beta testing these FABULOUS new applications.
There are a couple of ways to use IRC's...
(1) The easiest is to use your web browser.Navigate to:
In the right corner there is a box that allows you to join channels.
Enter a unique
Nickname (If it is already being used on the server, or prohibited for use, you will need to choose another. Hit back on your browser and try again.)
Enter the
Channel as
(2) The other way is to use a client especially designed for IRC's
- One Such Client is mIRC. mIRC was once the best IRC client for Windows and still remains as one of the most downloaded and most used clients today. It can be found at: http://www.mirc.com
- Another is X-Chat. X-Chat was one of the first real contenders to mIRC. Today, it is one of the most well-known IRC clients on the web. The project is open source so not only can X-Chat be used on Windows, it can be used on Linux, too. It can be found at: http://xchat.org
- Others would include: HydraIRC, KVIrc, Nettalk, Quassel, and ThrashIRC
So there you have it. No matter how you join, come visit us to learn and help others.
PLEASE NOTE: I have not consulted Paul, or anyone else connect with Mezzmo, about starting this IRC channel. (Maybe they will come join us?)