Before I tell you what I'm missing in Mezzmo 5 I rather tell what I would like to accomplish because someone here online might find an idea how to accomplish this otherwise.

In the "Genre" of movies there is no specific "children" genre. There is "animation, Family, etc"but nothing specific for children.
There's also content rating, but it's different for many countries.

So I want to have a list of animations, which is only valid for "children" Which doesn't exist as genre so either I go over thousands of files manually and edit the media info manually
or I use the content rating.

But here I might consider: PG G or PG-13 all 3 considered "Children"
but also between countries saying:
P, G, PG, U, FSK 0, FSK 6, ALL, APTA, etc = Children.

So I might want to use the "smart list filter" and set it to "any"

However, I want to limit it only to the genre: "Animation"
for which I had to use "all" which basically means: AND
the "any" basically means OR

So what I would need would be a combination of AND/OR

IF ( (genre == "Animation" ) && (cert == "P" || cert == "G" || cert == "PG" || cert == "U" )
That would be what I actually would need.

At the same time, those included here, I would have to "exclude" from the list for adults.
But here I also have already some "AND" rules where I would also need some "OR" possibilities together with the AND.

So.. any ideas how to accomplish that without requesting a new feature for mezzmo 5?