Mezzmo v5.0.1.0 is available now!
A major new release of Mezzmo has been released and is available for download now! New features and improvements include:
- New: URL streaming. Add video, music or photo URLs to your Mezzmo library and stream them to your devices or web browsers. See 'Add To Library' -> 'Add URL' dialog. Includes streaming support for 700+ popular web sites including YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, SoundCloud + many more.
- New: Web interface. Browse and stream your Mezzmo library to any web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.). Works with computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, TVs, etc.
- New: Remote browsing & streaming. Connect to your Mezzmo library from outside your home and browse & stream your media anywhere in the world.
- New: Web Access setup. Create web accounts for users who want to access your Mezzmo library. Restrict access to certain playlists, folders or files with specific content rating. Create a personalized home page for users. See Media Server -> Web Access dialog.
- New: Permanent Links. Use permanent links to provide access to particular media in your Mezzmo library. Includes fully embedded players. Great for adding links your blog, Facebook page, Twitter page, etc. See File Properties dialog (General tab) for a file's permanent link.
- New: Plugins. Python-based plugins let you add new channels to your Mezzmo library so you can browse and play media from any source, including internet web sites. See 'Add To Library' -> 'Add Channel' dialog. Development of plugins is open to third-party developers to create new and exciting plugins.
- New: Live streaming. Stream audio or video that has no finite duration (examples: online radio station, online TV, etc.). Set an audio or video file as a live stream in File Properties dialog (Audio or Video tab).
- New: Webcam streaming. Stream any DirectShow capture device connected to your computer (such as webcams, microphones, desktop capture, etc.) to your devices and web browsers. See 'Add To Library' -> 'Add Capture Device'.
- New: Intel QuickSync hardware encoding support. See Transcoding Settings dialog.
- New: h.265 (HEVC) video encoding.
- New: Preferred audio language. See Options dialog (Streaming page).
- New: Shared folders/playlists. Restrict access to playlists/folders by device or web access user via Playlist Sharing Permissions dialog.
- New: Auto-refresh folders. Set auto-refresh intervals for folders and linked playlists. Mezzmo automatically looks for changes (new files, deleted files, etc.) at each interval. This removes the need for daily maintenance and running Mezzmo (Windows) app (i.e. Mezzmo server will do the auto-refreshing for you). See Folder Properties dialog or Linked Playlist dialog.
- New: Lock files. Lock files from being further updated during maintenance. See File Properties dialog.
- New: New device support includes: Sonos audio devices, Sony Playstation 4, Kodi media player, LG TVs (2015 models), Loewe TVs, Oppo 105 Blu-ray players, Panasonic Viera TVs (2015 models), Samsung J-series TVs (2015 models), Sharp Aquos TVs (2015 models), Toshiba Blu-ray players, Vizio TVs (2015 models), WD TV media players, web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) and many more.
- Improved: DVD, Blu-ray and subtitle handling.
- Fixed: Many bug fixes and improvements for issues reported by users.
Please use Help -> Check for Updates in Mezzmo (Windows) app - or directly download from http://www.conceiva.com/downloads/mezzmo-setup.exe
Highly Recommended: Make a backup of your Mezzmo library when prompted during the upgrade steps.
Last edited by Paul; 05-12-2016 at 02:42 PM.
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