I think I just realized my limiting factor to my overall hard drive space for my computer. I thought it was going to be my movies, pics etc...but after doing some investigation, I guess it is going to be also my transcoded files.
I have a ton of old videos, MP4 and AVCHD formats. I could not figure out where all my space was going on the main drive ( I have Mezzmo running on main "C" which is 500 GB and movies stored on 2 TB additional internal drive , running Win 7), given I try to technically stay away from adding anything more on C drive by way of data.
I have a 79 GB file which is huge under Conceiva on Drive C. I realize now after researching this is likely the pretranscoded files.
Obviously I plan to add to this as I make more and more recordings. Is this just the limitation in order to watch whatever movie you want, on demand without stutter? Do you ever foresee there being an option to where this will not take up so much space or the technology advance to be able to handle something more "on the fly" without stuttering.
I'm thinking of moving this huge file to another stand alone much larger external HD.
1-can the conceiva file for pre transcoded files reside on a separate drive from the program, i.e. Leave mezzmo and move just that file?
2- if not, then is it possible to move all of Mezzmo as I have it now to another drive or will I have to start from a fresh load of Mezzmo and build library again and pre-transcode files?