I've recently upgraded my media server to an i7, upgraded Mezzmo to v5 and retired Windows Media Centre in favour of Media Portal TV Server.
The previous server was too slow to transcode on the fly so I wrote a C++ utility to interrogate WMC every hour and repackage any new recordings from .wmv to MPEG program streams so that my Sony devices could play them natively. This worked well for years.

The new server is quick enough to transcode the transport streams coming from MediaPortal in real time so I've retired the utility. This is generally working very well.

However, I've noticed that occasionally Mezzmo is reporting incorrect program durations. I had a closer look at one of them and found that ffmpeg reports the correct duration (in this case 1 hr 17 min), VideoRedo reports correctly as does Windows Explorer and Windows Media Player. Mezzmo however, displays the duration as 15 minutes. When I try to play the program, the TV also reports 15 minutes and plays erratically. If I manually run up VideoRedo and do a Quickstream Fix on the recording, all is OK.

I've also noticed some other programs reporting as over 10 hours in Mezzmo when, in fact, they're only an hour or so.

It's only a minor issue but has anyone else noticed this behaviour with MPEG transport streams recorded from TV?
