Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
There is a parameter you can set in the Device Profile textlimit="900", go to your Device Profiles folder (see this thread for its location: http://forum.conceiva.com/showthread...ofiles-located) and open the device profile you are using in a text editor and add this parameter to the name tag in the device section. See the PanasonicViera2012.prf profile for an example of it's use, the value limits the text fields to 900 characters. It might be possible to install Kodi on the stick, it seems to be similar to http://www.stickcomputing.com/mk808-mini-pc/ so if you do a bit of searching you might be able to find if it is possible to install Kodi and this will also improve the format support if you find that transcoding is not performing well.

Perfect adding textlimit="300" seems to make everything play ok, I will look into installing kodi to it, but there doesn't seem to be much 3rd party support for this device.

now I need to figure out how to fix the aspect ratio since it seems to stretch to fullscreen I tried messing with <fix_sar> and the aspect ratio in the device profile options, but didn't change much, however I did play a ISO file and for some reason that one was played in correct aspect (black bars on top and bottom)