We are getting ready to start Beta testing for our new Mezzmo for Samsung TV apps.
We would like to invite a limited group of Mezzmo users to try them and provide feedback.
There will be a Mezzmo for Samsung TV app for older Samsung TVs (pre 2015) and one for newer Samsung TVs (post 2015) that are running Tizen.
How to become a Mezzmo Beta tester:
If you wish to try our new Mezzmo for Samsung TV app and agree to submit feedback back to us, then please email us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com.
In your email, please let us know:
- Your Mezzmo Pro serial number. You can find this in the Help -> About dialog box in Mezzmo Pro.
- Your Samsung TV model number. You can find this on the back on your TV.
- This Beta testing is limited to Mezzmo Pro users only.
- We will limit the number of Beta testers to keep it manageable for us. We apologize if we cannot fit you into Beta testing group.