Yes, I did run several Maintenance processes and they removed deleted files from Mezzmo (Frontend). But what stays is the artwork found in “…\Artwork\Backdrop” and “…Artwork\Poster”. They are also kept in the database. Please see the following screenshot:

Mezzmo DB.png

This is one example file from my Mezzmo DB. There are two references for the artworks “Poster” and “Backdrop”. As you can see, there are two files with the same name, but different paths. “disk-e” was the old path on the pc. “disk—192-168-2-108” is the new path on the NAS. The file with the path “disk-e” is no longer in the Mezzmo DB, but it’s artwork is still stored in the database but is not used, as you can see in the last part of the image. Despite of the fact, that the [Poster/Backdrop]-ID is no longer linked to a file of MGOFile, Mezzmo is not deleting the file.

Add this up to a huge database where you moved almost all files to a new location (NAS), sometimes even multiple times before I had the NAS. You generate a lot of garbage that is bloating up the Artwork-Folder with no longer used posters and thumbnails. They don’t get deleted, because there are still managed by the Mezzmo DB, despite the fact not being referenced to an actual file.

All I am asking for, is to please add a fix to the maintenance process, that deletes dead artwork entries in MGOFile and therefor also deletes the no longer managed images.